using web
using afIoc::Inject
using afIoc::Registry

** Handles routing URIs to request handler methods.
** If a uri can not be matched to a `Route` then a 404 HttpStatusErr is thrown.
const class Routes {
    private const static Log log := Utils.getLog(Routes#)
    private const Obj[] routes

    private const RouteMatchers routeMatchers

    private const ReqestHandlerInvoker handlerInvoker

    private const Registry registry

    internal new make(Obj[] routes, |This|? in := null) {
        this.routes = routes
//      routes.each { Env.cur.err.printLine(it) }

    internal Obj? processRequest(Uri modRel, Str httpMethod) {
        normalisedUri := normalise(modRel)
        response := routes.eachWhile |route| {
            routeMatch := routeMatchers.matchRoute(route, normalisedUri, httpMethod) 
            if (routeMatch == null)
                return null

            response := handlerInvoker.invokeHandler(routeMatch)
            return (response == false) ? null : response
        // TODO: if no routes have been defined, route to a default 'BedSheet Welcome' page. Use config to turn on and off
        if (response == null)
            throw HttpStatusErr(404, BsMsgs.route404(modRel, httpMethod))

        return response

    private Uri normalise(Uri uri) {
        if (!uri.isPathAbs)
            uri = `/` + uri
        return uri
    private WebReq webReq() {