const classafBedSheet::Route


Matches uri paths to handler methods, converting any remaining path segments into method arguments. Use * to capture (non-greedy) method arguments, ** to capture all remaining path segments and *** to capture the remaining url Examples:

glob pattern     uri             arguments
/user/*      --> /user/       => ""
/user/*      --> /user/42     => "42"
/user/*      --> /user/42/dee => no match

/user/*/*    --> /user/       => no match
/user/*/*    --> /user/42     => no match
/user/*/*    --> /user/42/dee => "42", "dee"

/user/**     --> /user/       => ""
/user/**     --> /user/42     => "42"
/user/**     --> /user/42/dee => "42", "dee"

/user/***    --> /user/       => ""
/user/***    --> /user/42     => "42"
/user/***    --> /user/42/dee => "42/dee"

Method arguments with default values are mapped to optional path segments. Use ** to capture optional segments in the uri. Example:

using afBedSheet
using afIoc

class AppModule {
  static Void contributeRoutes(OrderedConfig conf) {
    conf.add(Route(`/hello/**`, HelloPage#hello))

class HelloPage {
  TextResponse hello(Str name, Int iq := 666) {
    return TextResponse.fromPlain("Hello! I'm $name and I have an IQ of $iq!")

'/hello/Traci/69' => helloPage.hello("Traci", 69) => "Hello! I'm Traci and I have an IQ of 69"
'hello/Luci'      => helloPage.hello("Luci")      => "Hello! I'm Luci and I have an IQ of 666"
'dude/'           => no match
'hello/'          => no match
'hello/1/2/3      => no match

Path segments are converted to Objs via the ValueEncoder service.

TIP: Contribute ValueEncoders to convert path segments into Entities. BedSheet can then call handlers with real Entities, not just str IDs!

Parameters of type Str[] are capture all parameters and match the remaining uri (split on /).

Request uri's (for matching purposes) are treated as case-insensitive. In the example above, both

  • hello/Luci and
  • HELLO/Luci

would be matched.

Use ? to optional match the last character. Use to optionally match a trailing slash. e.g.

glob         uri
/index/? --> /index  => match
/index/? --> /index/ => match
/index/  --> /index  => no match
/index   --> /index/ => no match

If a handler class is a service, it is obtained from the IoC registry, otherwise it is autobuilt. If the class is const, the instance is cached for future use.

Note: There is no special handling for nullable types in handler method arguments as BedSheet can not determine when null is a suitable replacement for an empty str. Instead contribute a ValueEncoder or use default values.



const Method handler

Method handler for this route.



const Str httpMethod

HTTP method used for this route



new makeFromGlob(Uri glob, Method handler, Str httpMethod := "GET")

Make a Route that matches on the given glob pattern.

glob must start with a slash "/"

httpMethod may be a glob. Example, use "*" to match all methods.



new makeFromRegex(Regex uriRegex, Method handler, Str httpMethod := "GET", Bool matchRemaining := false)

For hardcore users; make a Route from a regex. Capture groups are used to match arguments. Example:

Route(Regex<|(?i)^\/index\/(.*?)$|>, #foo, "GET", true) -> Route(`/index/**`)

Set matchRemaining to true to have the last capture group mimic the glob ** operator, splitting on "/" to match all remaining segments.



const Regex routeRegex

The uri regex this route matches.



virtual override Str toStr()