using afIoc::Inject

** Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a strategy for browsers to overcome the limitations of 
** cross domain scripting. The handshake is done via http headers:
**  1. The browser sets CORS specific http headers in the request
**  2. The server inspects the headers and sets its own http headers in the response
**  3. The browser asserts the resonse headers
** On the browser side, most of the header setting and checking is done automatically by 
** 'XMLHttpRequest'. On the server side, contribute the following routes to the paths that will 
** service the ajax requests:
** pre>
** @Contribute { serviceType=Routes# }
** static Void contributeRoutes(OrderedConfig conf) {
**   simpleRoute    := Route(`<simple-path>`,    CorsHandler#serviceSimple,    "GET POST")
**   preflightRoute := Route(`<preflight-path>`, CorsHandler#servicePrefilght, "OPTIONS")
**   conf.add("corsSimple",    simpleRoute,    ["before: routes"])
**   conf.add("corsPreflight", preflightRoute, ["before: routes"])
** }
** <pre
** And set the following config values:
** - `ConfigIds.corsAllowedOrigins`
** - `ConfigIds.corsAllowCredentials`
** - `ConfigIds.corsExposeHeaders`
** - `ConfigIds.corsAllowedMethods`
** - `ConfigIds.corsAllowedHeaders`
** - `ConfigIds.corsMaxAge`
** @see the following for specifics:
**  - ``
**  - ``
**  - ``
**  - ``
const mixin CorsHandler {
    ** Sets response headers if the request a simple CORS request. 
    ** Returns 'false'.
    ** Uri not used.
    abstract Bool serviceSimple(Uri uri := ``)

    ** Map to an 'OPTIONS' http method to service complex CORS preflight reqs.
    ** Returns 'true' because the real request should follow with a different http method.
    ** Uri not used.
    abstract Bool servicePrefilght(Uri uri := ``)

internal const class CorsHandlerImpl : CorsHandler {
    private const static Log log := Utils.getLog(CorsHandler#)

    private const HttpRequest   req

    private const HttpResponse  res
    @Inject @Config{ id="afBedSheet.cors.allowedOrigins" }
    private const Str? corsAllowedOrigins

    @Inject @Config{ id="afBedSheet.cors.allowCredentials" }
    private const Bool corsAllowCredentials

    @Inject @Config{ id="afBedSheet.cors.exposeHeaders" }
    private const Str? corsExposeHeaders

    @Inject @Config{ id="afBedSheet.cors.allowedMethods" }
    private const Str corsAllowedMethods

    @Inject @Config{ id="afBedSheet.cors.allowedHeaders" }
    private const Str? corsAllowedHeaders

    @Inject @Config{ id="afBedSheet.cors.maxAge" }
    private const Duration? corsMaxAge

    private const Regex[] domainGlobs

    internal new make(|This|in) { 
        domainGlobs = (corsAllowedOrigins ?: "").split(',').map { Regex.glob(it) }
    override Bool serviceSimple(Uri uri := ``) {
        if (!isSimpleReq)
            return false
        origin := req.headers.origin
        log.debug("CORS Simple request from origin '$origin'")
        if (!domainGlobs.any |domain| { domain.matches(origin) }) {
            log.warn(BsMsgs.corsOriginDoesNotMatchAllowedDomains(origin, corsAllowedOrigins))
            return false
        res.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]   = origin

        if (corsAllowCredentials)
            res.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"]  = "true"

        if (corsExposeHeaders != null)
            res.headers["Access-Control-Expose-Headers"]     = corsExposeHeaders

        return false

    override Bool servicePrefilght(Uri uri := ``) {
        if (!isPreflightReq)
            return false

        origin := req.headers.origin
        requestedMethod := req.headers.accessControlRequestMethod
        log.debug("CORS Preflight request from origin '$origin'")
        if (!domainGlobs.any |domain| { domain.matches(origin) }) {
            log.warn(BsMsgs.corsOriginDoesNotMatchAllowedDomains(origin, corsAllowedOrigins))
            return false
        res.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]   = origin.toStr

        if (!corsAllowedMethods.upper.split(',').contains(requestedMethod))
            log.warn(BsMsgs.corsOriginDoesNotMatchAllowedMethods(requestedMethod, corsAllowedMethods))
        res.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"]  = corsAllowedMethods
        if (corsAllowCredentials)
            res.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"]  = "true"

        if (req.headers.accessControlRequestHeaders != null) {
            reqHeaders := req.headers.accessControlRequestHeaders
            if (corsAllowedHeaders == null || !corsAllowedHeaders.split(',').containsAll(reqHeaders.split(',')))
                log.warn(BsMsgs.corsRequestHeadersDoesNotMatchAllowedHeaders(reqHeaders, corsAllowedHeaders))
            res.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"]  = corsAllowedHeaders
        if (corsMaxAge != null)
            res.headers["Access-Control-Max-Age"]    = corsMaxAge.toSec.toStr

        // that's all for the preflight request - returning the headers should be enough 
        return true

    ** @see
    private Bool isSimpleReq() {
        if (!"HEAD GET POST".split.contains(req.httpMethod))
            return false
        if (req.headers.origin == null)
            return false
        return true

    ** @see
    private Bool isPreflightReq() {
        if ("OPTIONS" != req.httpMethod)
            return false

        if (req.headers.origin == null)
            return false

        if (req.headers.accessControlRequestMethod == null)
            return false

        return true