using web::WebReq
using afIoc::Inject

** A Request Handler that maps uris to files on the file system.
** Example, to map all uris prefixed with '/pub/' to files under the '<app>/etc/web/' directory, 
** in your AppModule:
** pre>
** @Contribute { serviceType=FileHandler# }
** static Void contributeFileHandler(MappedConfig conf) {
**   conf[`/pub/`] = `etc/web/`.toFile
** }
** <pre
** Don't forget to `Route` '/pub/***' URIs to 'FileHandler':
** pre>
** @Contribute { serviceType=Routes# }
** static Void contributeRoutes(OrderedConfig conf) {
**   ...
**   conf.add(Route(`/pub/***`, FileHandler#service))
**   ...
** }
** <pre
** Now all requests to '/pub/css/mystyle.css' will map to 'etc/web/css/mystyle.css'
** @uses MappedConfig of 'Uri:File'
const mixin FileHandler {

    ** Returns a `File` on the file system, as mapped from the given uri.
    abstract File service(Uri remainingUri := ``)


internal const class FileHandlerImpl : FileHandler {
    private const HttpRequest req

    private const Uri:File dirMappings
    internal new make(Uri:File dirMappings, |This|? in := null) {
        in?.call(this)  // nullable for unit tests

        // verify file and uri mappings
        dirMappings.each |file, uri| {
            if (!file.exists)
                throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.fileHandlerFileNotExist(file))
            if (!file.isDir)
                throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.fileHandlerFileNotDir(file))
            if (!uri.isPathOnly)
                throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.fileHandlerUriNotPathOnly(uri))
            if (!uri.isPathAbs)
                throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.fileHandlerUriMustStartWithSlash(uri))
            if (!uri.isDir)
                throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.fileHandlerUriMustEndWithSlash(uri))

        this.dirMappings = dirMappings.toImmutable

    override File service(Uri remainingUri := ``) {
        // use pathStr to knockout any unwanted query str
        matchedUri := req.modRel.pathStr[0..<-remainingUri.pathStr.size].toUri

        // throw Err if user mapped the Route but forgot to contribute a matching dir to this handler 
        if (!dirMappings.containsKey(matchedUri)) {
            msg := """<p><b>The path '${matchedUri}' is unknown. </b></p>
                      <p><b>Add the following to your AppModule: </b></p>
                      <code>@Contribute { serviceType=FileHandler# }
                      static Void contributeFileMapping(MappedConfig conf) {
                        conf[`${matchedUri}`] = `/path/to/files/`.toFile
            throw HttpStatusErr(501, msg)
        // We pass 'false' to prevent Errs being thrown if the uri is a dir but doesn't end in '/'.
        // The 'false' appends a '/' automatically - it's nicer web behaviour
        // FUTURE: configure this behaviour once we've thought up a nice name for the config!
        return dirMappings[matchedUri].plus(remainingUri, false)
        // currently it's the FileResponseProcessor that throws a 404 if the file doesn't exist