using afIoc::Inject
using afIoc::Registry
using web::WebReq

** An injectable 'const' version of [WebSession]`web::WebSession`.
** This class is proxied and will always refer to the session in the current web request.
const mixin HttpSession {
    ** Get the unique id used to identify this session.
    ** Calling this will create a session if it doesn't already exist.
    ** @see `web::WebSession`
    abstract Str id()

    ** Convenience for 'map.get(name, def)'.
    ** @see `web::WebSession`
    Obj? get(Str name, Obj? def := null) { map.get(name, def) }

    ** Convenience for 'map.set(name, val)'.
    ** @see `web::WebSession`
    Void set(Str name, Obj? val) { 
        if (val == null)
            map[name] = val 

    ** Application name/value pairs which are persisted between HTTP requests. 
    ** The values stored in this map must be serializable.
    ** @see `web::WebSession`
    abstract Str:Obj? map()

    ** Delete this web session which clears both the user agent cookie and the server side session 
    ** instance. This method must be called before the WebRes is committed otherwise the server side 
    ** instance is cleared, but the user agent cookie will remain uncleared.
    ** @see `web::WebSession`
    abstract Void delete()
    ** Returns 'true' if a session exists. 
    abstract Bool exists()

internal const class HttpSessionImpl : HttpSession {

    private const Registry registry
    new make(|This|in) { in(this) } 

    override Str id() {

    override Str:Obj? map() {

    override Void delete() {

    override Bool exists() {        
        HttpRequest req := registry.dependencyByType(HttpRequest#)
        if (req.cookies.containsKey("fanws"))
            return true

        HttpResponse res := registry.dependencyByType(HttpResponse#)
        if (res.cookies.any |cookie| { == "fanws" })
            return true
        return false
    private WebReq webReq() {