using afIoc::ConcurrentState

** Stores values from one http request to the next. 
** The values stored must be serializable.
const mixin HttpFlash {
    abstract Obj? get(Str name)

    ** The given value must be serializable.
    abstract Void set(Str name, Obj? val)
    ** Internal method - don't come crying to me when I delete it!
    abstract Void setReq([Str:Obj?]? req)
    ** Internal method - don't come crying to me when I delete it!
    abstract [Str:Obj?]? getRes()

internal const class HttpFlashImpl : HttpFlash {
    private const ConcurrentState   conState    := ConcurrentState(HttpFlashState#)

    override Obj? get(Str name) {
        getState |state->Obj?| {
            if (state.res.containsKey(name))
                return state.res.get(name)
            return state.req?.get(name)

    override Void set(Str name, Obj? val) {
        withState |state| {
            state.res[name] = val
    override Void setReq([Str:Obj?]? req) {
        reqImm := req?.toImmutable
        withState { it.req = reqImm } 

    override [Str:Obj?]? getRes() {
        getState { it.res.isEmpty ? null : it.res.toImmutable } 

    private Obj? getState(|HttpFlashState -> Obj?| state) {

    private concurrent::Future withState(|HttpFlashState| state) {

internal class HttpFlashState {
    [Str:Obj?]? req
    [Str:Obj?]  res := [:]