using concurrent::AtomicRef

** (Service) - MetaData for BedSheet, gleaned from startup.
const mixin BedSheetMetaData {
    ** The pod that contains the initial 'AppModule'.
    abstract Pod?   appPod()
    ** The 'AppModule'.
    abstract Type?  appModule() 
    ** The options BedSheet was started with
    abstract [Str:Obj]  options()

internal const class BedSheetMetaDataImpl : BedSheetMetaData {

    override const Pod?         appPod
    override const Type?        appModule
    override const [Str:Obj]    options
    internal new make(Pod? appPod, Type? appModule, [Str:Obj] options) {
        this.appPod     = appPod
        this.appModule  = appModule
        this.options    = options.toImmutable