using concurrent::Actor
using afIoc::Registry
using web::Cookie
using web::WebMod
using web::WebOutStream
using web::WebReq
using web::WebRes
using web::WebSession
using web::WebUtil
using inet::IpAddr
using inet::SocketOptions
using inet::TcpSocket

** For testing 'BedSheet' apps: Make (fake) HTTP calls against `BedServer`. Unlike 'WebClient', 'BedClient' is 
** designed for re-use, it auto tracks your 'Cookies' and lets you inspect your session.  
** @since 1.0.4
class BedClient {
    private TcpSocket socket    := TcpSocket()
    private BedServer bedServer
    ** The session used by the client. Returns 'null' if it has not yet been created.
    WebSession? session := BedSession() {
        get {
            // technically this is not perfect wisp behaviour, for if an obj were to be added then 
            // immediately removed, a wisp session would still be created - pfft! Edge case! 
            // Besides if you need exact wisp behaviour, then use wisp!
            & ? null : &session 
        private set { }

    ** The cookies currently amassed by this client.
    ** Currently they are not cleared / deleted when max-age runs out.
    Str:Cookie  cookies := Utils.makeMap(Str#, Cookie#)
    ** The http headers to be sent on the next request. These are cleared after each request. 
    Str:Str     headers := Utils.makeMap(Str#, Str#)
    ** The HTTP version this client should announce to the server. 
    ** Defaults to 'HTTP 1.1' 
    Version version         := Version("1.1")
    // TODO: followRedirects
//  Bool followRedirects    := false
    ** Create a BedClient attached to the given `BedServer`
    new make(BedServer bedServer) {
        this.bedServer = bedServer
    ** Makes a (fake) http request against the `BedServer` and returns the response. 
    BedClientRes get(Uri uri, Str method := "GET") {        
            BedClientReq(cookies.vals) {
                it.version  = this.version
                it.uri      = uri
                it.method   = method
                it.headers  = this.headers
                it.session  = this.&session         

    // TODO: Post params
//  BedClientRes post(Uri uri, Str method := "POST") {      
//      makeReq(BedClientReq(cookies) {
//          it.version  = this.version
//          it.uri      = uri
//          it.method   = method
//          it.headers  = this.headers
//          it.session  = this.&session
//      })
//  }

    ** Shuts down the associated 'BedServer'
    Void shutdown() {
    private BedClientRes makeReq(BedClientReq bedClientReq) {       
        try {
            bedClientRes := BedClientRes()
            Actor.locals["web.req"] = bedClientReq.toWebReq(socket, bedServer)
            Actor.locals["web.res"] = bedClientRes.toWebRes

            httpPipeline := (HttpPipeline) bedServer.registry.dependencyByType(HttpPipeline#)
            bedClientRes.cookies.each |cookie| { this.cookies[] = cookie }

            return bedClientRes

        } finally {
            headers = Utils.makeMap(Str#, Str#)

// this could prob be deleted
internal class BedClientReq {
    Uri uri := `/` {
        set { 
            if (it.auth != null)
                throw Err("URIs must NOT have an authority (scheme, host or port) - $it")
            &uri = it
    Version     version
    Str         method
    Str:Str     headers 
    WebSession  session
    new make(Cookie[] cookies, |This|in) { 
        headers["Host"] = "localhost:80"
        headers["Cookie"] = cookies.join(";")
    internal WebReq toWebReq(TcpSocket socket, BedServer bedServer) {
        BedClientWebReq {
            it.version  = this.version
            it.method   = this.method
            it.uri      = this.uri
            it.headers  = this.headers
            it.session  = this.session
         = "".in //throw Err("No content")   // TODO: post reqs & req.inStream 
            it.socket   = socket

internal class BedClientWebReq : WebReq {
    TcpSocket socket
    override WebMod mod := BedClientDefaultMod()
    override IpAddr remoteAddr() { IpAddr("") }
    override Int remotePort() { 80 }
    override SocketOptions socketOptions() { socket.options }
    override WebSession session
    override Version version
    override Str:Str headers
    override Uri uri
    override Str method
    override InStream in

    new make(|This|in) { in(this) }

** For testing 'BedSheet' apps: Holds response data from a (fake) HTTP call to `BedServer`. 
** @since 1.0.4
class BedClientRes {

    ** Return the http status code (read-only).
    Int statusCode {
        get { webRes.statusCode }
        private set { }
    ** Return the http response headers (read-only).
    Str:Str headers     := Utils.makeMap(Str#, Str#)    { private set }

    ** Return the http response cookies (read-only).
    ** Use this rather than looking for 'Set-Cookie' headers. 
    Cookie[] cookies    := Cookie[,]                    { private set }
    private Buf         buf         := Buf()
    private WebRes      webRes      := BedClientWebRes(buf.out) { it.cookies = this.cookies; it.headers = this.headers }
    ** Return the response stream as a 'Str'.
    Str asStr() {

    ** Return the response stream as a 'Buf'.
    Buf asBuf() {

    ** Return the response stream.
    InStream asInStream() {
    internal WebRes toWebRes() {

internal const class BedClientDefaultMod : WebMod { }

** Adapted from WispReq to mimic the same uncommitted behaviour 
internal class BedClientWebRes : WebRes {
    internal WebOutStream webOut

    new make(OutStream outStream, |This|in ) {
        this.headers.caseInsensitive = true
        this.webOut = WebOutStream(outStream)

    override Int statusCode := 200 {
        set {
            if (statusMsg[it] == null) throw Err("Unknown status code: $it");
            &statusCode = it

    override Str:Str headers {
        get { checkUncommitted; return &headers }

    override Cookie[] cookies {
        get { checkUncommitted; return &cookies }

    override Bool isCommitted := false { private set }

    override WebOutStream out() {
        return webOut

    override Void redirect(Uri uri, Int statusCode := 303) {
        this.statusCode = statusCode
        headers["Location"] = uri.encode
        headers["Content-Length"] = "0"

    override Void sendErr(Int statusCode, Str? msg := null) {
        // write message to buffer
        buf := Buf()
        bufOut := WebOutStream(buf.out)
        bufOut.head.title.w("$statusCode ${statusMsg[statusCode]}").titleEnd.headEnd
        if (msg != null) bufOut.w(msg).nl

        // write response
        this.statusCode = statusCode
        headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
        headers["Content-Length"] = buf.size.toStr

    override Bool isDone := false { private set }

    override Void done() { isDone = true }

    internal Void checkUncommitted() {
        if (isCommitted) throw Err("WebRes already committed")

    internal Void commit() {
        isCommitted = true

    internal Void close() {

internal class BedSession : WebSession {
    override const Str id := "69"
    override Str:Obj? map := Str:Obj[:]
    override Void delete() {