using concurrent::Actor
using concurrent::ActorPool
using concurrent::AtomicRef
using concurrent::AtomicBool
using web::WebMod
using afIoc::Registry
using afIoc::RegistryBuilder
using afIocConfig::IocConfigModule

** The top-level `web::WebMod` to be passed to [Wisp]``. 
const class BedSheetWebMod : WebMod {
    private const static Log log := Utils.getLog(BedSheetWebMod#)

    const Str           moduleName
    const Int           port
    const [Str:Obj?]    bedSheetOptions
    const [Str:Obj?]    registryOptions
    private const AtomicBool    started     := AtomicBool(false)
    private const AtomicRef     startupErrA := AtomicRef()
    private const AtomicRef     atomicReg   := AtomicRef()
    private const AtomicRef     atomicPipe  := AtomicRef()
    ** The 'afIoc' registry. Can be 'null' if BedSheet has not started.
    Registry? registry {
        get { atomicReg.val }
        private set { atomicReg.val = it }

    ** An Err (if any) that occured on service startup
    Err? startupErr {
        get { startupErrA.val }
        private set { startupErrA.val = it }

    new make(Str moduleName, Int port, [Str:Obj?] bedSheetOptions, [Str:Obj?]? registryOptions := null) {
        this.moduleName         = moduleName
        this.port               = port
        this.registryOptions    = registryOptions ?: Utils.makeMap(Str#, Obj?#)
        this.bedSheetOptions    = bedSheetOptions

    override Void onService() {
        req.mod = this
        // Hey! Why you call us when we're not running, eh!??
        if (!started.val)
        // web reqs can come while we're still processing onStart() so lets wait for either  
        // condition to occur (good or bad) - as some reg startup times may be seconds long
        while (registry == null && startupErr == null) {
            // 200ms should be un-noticable to humans but a lifetime to a computer!
        // rethrow the startup err if one occurred and let Wisp handle it
        if (startupErr != null)
            throw startupErr
        try {
        } catch (Err err) {
            // theoretically, this should have already been dealt with by our Err Pipeline Processor...
            // ...but it's handy for BedSheet development!
            if (registry != null) { // reqs may come in before we've start up
                errPrinter := (ErrPrinterStr) registry.dependencyByType(ErrPrinterStr#)
            throw err

    override Void onStart() {
        started.val = true
        try {
  , port))
            Pod?  pod
            Type? mod
            // Pod name given...
            // lots of start up checks looking for pods and modules... 
            // see
            if (!moduleName.contains("::")) {
                pod = Pod.find(moduleName, true)
                mod = findModFromPod(pod)
            // AppModule name given...
            if (moduleName.contains("::")) {
                mod = Type.find(moduleName, true)
                pod = mod.pod
            // we're screwed! No module = no web app!
            if (mod == null)
            // construct after the above messages so logs look nicer ("...adding module IocModule")
            bob := RegistryBuilder()
            // this defaults to false if not explicitly set to TRUE - trust me!
            transDeps := !(bedSheetOptions["noTransDeps"] == true)
            if (pod != null) {
                if (transDeps)
                    bob.addModulesFromDependencies(pod, true)
          "Suppressing transitive dependencies...")
            if (mod != null) {
                if (!bob.moduleTypes.contains(mod))
            // A simple thing - ensure the BedSheet module is added! 
            // (transitive dependencies are added explicitly via @SubModule)
            if (!bob.moduleTypes.contains(BedSheetModule#))
            // add extra modules - useful for testing
            if (bedSheetOptions.containsKey("iocModules"))
            registryOpts :=
            registryOpts["bannerText"]                  = easterEgg("Alien-Factory BedSheet v${typeof.pod.version}, IoC v${Registry#.pod.version}")
            registryOpts["bedSheetMetaData"]            = BedSheetMetaDataImpl(pod, mod, bedSheetOptions)
            registryOpts["suppressStartupServiceList"]  = true
            registryOpts["appName"]                     = "BedSheet"
            // startup afIoc
            registry =
            // start the destroyer!
            if (bedSheetOptions["pingProxy"] == true) {
                pingPort := (Int) bedSheetOptions["pingProxyPort"]
                destroyer := (AppDestroyer) registry.autobuild(AppDestroyer#, [ActorPool(), pingPort])
        } catch (Err err) {
            startupErr = err
            throw err

    ** Used by BedServer
    internal static Type? findModFromPod(Pod pod) {
        mod := null
        modName := pod.meta["afIoc.module"]
        if (modName != null) {
            mod = Type.find(modName, true)
        } else {
            // we have a pod with no module meta... so lets guess the name 'AppModule'
            mod = pod.type("AppModule", false)
            if (mod != null) {
                log.warn(BsLogMsgs.bedSheetWebModAddModuleToPodMeta(pod, mod))
        return mod
    override Void onStop() {
    private Str easterEgg(Str title) {
        quotes := loadQuotes
        if (quotes.isEmpty || (Int.random(0..8) != 2))
            return title
        return quotes[Int.random(0..<quotes.size)]
    // lazy load the HttpPipeline
    private HttpPipeline httpPipeline() {
        pipe := atomicPipe.val
        if (pipe != null)
            return pipe
        atomicPipe.val = registry.dependencyByType(HttpPipeline#)
        return atomicPipe.val
    private Str[] loadQuotes() {
        typeof.pod.file(`/res/misc/quotes.txt`).readAllLines.exclude { it.isEmpty || it.startsWith("#")}