** Matches uri paths to request handler methods. Any remaining path segments are converted into method 
** arguments. Use '*' to capture (non-greedy) method arguments, '**' to capture all remaining path 
** segments and '***' to capture the remaining url. Examples:
** pre>
**   glob pattern     uri             arguments
**   --------------------------------------------
**   /user/*      --> /user/       => null
**   /user/*      --> /user/42     => "42"
**   /user/*      --> /user/42/    => no match
**   /user/*      --> /user/42/dee => no match
**   /user/*/*    --> /user/       => no match
**   /user/*/*    --> /user/42     => no match
**   /user/*/*    --> /user/42/    => "42", null
**   /user/*/*    --> /user/42/dee => "42", "dee"
**   /user/**     --> /user/       => null
**   /user/**     --> /user/42     => "42"
**   /user/**     --> /user/42/    => "42"
**   /user/**     --> /user/42/dee => "42", "dee"
**   /user/***    --> /user/       => null
**   /user/***    --> /user/42     => "42"
**   /user/***    --> /user/42/    => "42/"
**   /user/***    --> /user/42/dee => "42/dee"
** <pre
** The argument list is then matched to the method parameters, taking into account nullable types 
** and default values. Examples:
** pre>
**   method params             arguments       match
**   --------------------------------------------------
**   Str a, Str b         -->               => no match  
**   Str a, Str b         -->  null         => no match
**   Str a, Str b         -->  null,  null  => no match 
**   Str a, Str b         --> "wot", "ever" => match
**   Str? a, Str? b       -->               => no match
**   Str? a, Str? b       -->  null         => no match
**   Str? a, Str? b       -->  null,  null  => match
**   Str? a, Str? b       --> "wot", "ever" => match
**   Str? a, Str? b := "" -->               => no match
**   Str? a, Str? b := "" -->  null         => match
**   Str? a, Str? b := "" -->  null,  null  => match
**   Str? a, Str? b := "" --> "wot", "ever" => match
**   Str? a, Str b := ""  -->               => no match
**   Str? a, Str b := ""  -->  null         => match
**   Str? a, Str b := ""  -->  null,  null  => no match
**   Str? a, Str b := ""  --> "wot", "ever" => match
** <pre
** Method parameters can be any Obj (and not just 'Str') as they are converted using the  
** [ValueEncoder]`ValueEncoder` service.
** > TIP: Contribute 'ValueEncoders' to convert path segments into Entities. This means BedSheet can
** call handlers with real entities, not just str IDs!
** Parameters of type 'Str[]' are *capture all* parameters and match the remaining uri (split on '/').
** Request uri's (for matching purposes) are treated as case-insensitive. 
** Use '?' to optional match the last character. Use to optionally match a trailing slash. e.g.
** pre>
**   glob         uri
**   -----------------------------
**   /index/? --> /index  => match
**   /index/? --> /index/ => match
**   vs
**   /index/  --> /index  => no match
**   /index   --> /index/ => no match
** <pre
** If a handler class is a service, it is obtained from the IoC registry, otherwise it is
** [autobuilt]`afIoc::Registry.autobuild`. If the class is 'const', the instance is cached for 
** future use.
const class Route {
    private static const Str star   := "(.*?)"
    ** The uri regex this route matches.
    const Regex routeRegex

    ** The response to be returned from this route. 
    const Obj response

    ** HTTP method used for this route
    const Str httpMethod

    private const Regex[]   httpMethodGlob
    private const Bool      matchAllArgs
    private const Bool      matchToEnd
    private const Bool      isGlob
    private const RouteResponseFactory  factory

    ** Make a Route that matches on the given glob pattern.
    ** 'glob' must start with a slash "/"
    ** 'httpMethod' may be a glob. Example, use "*" to match all methods.
    new makeFromGlob(Uri glob, Obj response, Str httpMethod := "GET") {
        if (glob.scheme != null || != null || glob.port!= null )
            throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.routeShouldBePathOnly(glob))
        if (!glob.isPathAbs)
            throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.routeShouldStartWithSlash(glob))

        uriGlob := glob.toStr
        regex   := "(?i)^"
        uriGlob.each |c, i| {
            if (c.isAlphaNum || c == '?')
                regex += c.toChar
            else if (c == '*')  
                regex += star
                regex += ("\\" + c.toChar)
        matchRemaining  := false
        matchToEnd      := false
        if (uriGlob.endsWith("***")) {
            regex = regex[0..<-star.size*3] + "(.*)"
            matchToEnd  = true
        } else if (uriGlob.endsWith("**")) {
            regex = regex[0..<-star.size*2] + "(.*?)\\/?"
            matchRemaining = true
        regex += "\$"
        this.routeRegex     = Regex.fromStr(regex)
        this.response       = response
        this.factory        = wrapResponse(response)
        this.httpMethod     = httpMethod
        // split on both space and ','
        this.httpMethodGlob = { it.split(',') } { Regex.glob(it) }
        this.matchToEnd     = matchToEnd
        this.matchAllArgs   = matchRemaining
        this.isGlob         = true

    ** For hardcore users; make a Route from a regex. Capture groups are used to match arguments.
    ** Example:
    **   Route(Regex<|(?i)^\/index\/(.*?)$|>, #foo, "GET", true) -> Route(`/index/**`)
    ** Set 'matchRemaining' to 'true' to have the last capture group mimic the glob '**' operator, 
    ** splitting on "/" to match all remaining segments.  
    new makeFromRegex(Regex uriRegex, Obj response, Str httpMethod := "GET", Bool matchRemaining := false) {
        this.routeRegex     = uriRegex
        this.response       = response
        this.factory        = wrapResponse(response)
        this.httpMethod     = httpMethod
        // split on both space and ','
        this.httpMethodGlob = { it.split(',') } { Regex.glob(it) }
        this.matchAllArgs   = matchRemaining
        this.isGlob         = false

    ** Returns a response object should the given uri (and http method) match this route. Returns 'null' if not.
    Obj? match(Uri uri, Str httpMethod) {
        if (!httpMethodGlob.any { it.matches(httpMethod) })
            return null

        segs := matchUri(uri)
        if (segs == null)
            return null

        if (!factory.matchSegments(segs))
            return null
        return factory.createResponse(segs)

    ** Returns null if the given uri does not match the uri regex
    internal Str?[]? matchUri(Uri uri) {
        matcher := routeRegex.matcher(uri.pathOnly.toStr)
        find := matcher.find 
        if (!find)
            return null
        groups := Str[,]
        // use find as supplied Regex may not have ^...$
        while (find) {
            groupCunt := matcher.groupCount
            if (groupCunt == 0)
                return Str#.emptyList
            (1..groupCunt).each |i| {
                g :=
            find = matcher.find

        if (matchAllArgs && !groups.isEmpty) {
            last := groups.removeAt(-1)
        if (isGlob && !matchToEnd && !matchAllArgs && groups[-1].contains("/"))
            return null

        // convert empty Strs to nulls
        // see
        return { it.isEmpty ? null : it }

    private RouteResponseFactory wrapResponse(Obj response) {
        if (response.typeof.fits(RouteResponseFactory#))
            return response
        if (response.typeof.fits(Method#))
            return MethodCallFactory(response)
        return NoOpFactory(response)
    override Str toStr() {
        "Route:$routeRegex - $httpMethod -> ${}: ${response.toStr}"

** Keep public 'cos it could prove useful!
const mixin RouteResponseFactory {
    abstract Bool matchSegments(Str?[] segments)

    ** Obj?[] so we can easily add other args into the list
    abstract Obj? createResponse(Str?[] segments)

internal const class MethodCallFactory : RouteResponseFactory {
    const Method method
    new make(Method method) {
        this.method = method
    override Bool matchSegments(Str?[] segments) {
        if (segments.size > method.params.size)
            return false
        match := method.params.all |Param param, i->Bool| {
            if (i >= segments.size)
                return param.hasDefault
            return (segments[i] == null) ? param.type.isNullable : true
        return match

    override Obj? createResponse(Str?[] segments) {
        MethodCall(method, segments)

internal const class NoOpFactory : RouteResponseFactory {
    const Obj? response
    new make(Obj? response) { this.response = response }
    override Bool matchSegments(Str?[] segments) { true }
    override Obj? createResponse(Str?[] segments) { response }