using afIoc::StrategyRegistry

** (Service) - Contribute your `ResponseProcessor` implementations to this.
const mixin ResponseProcessors {

    ** Recursively processes the response object until 'true' or 'false' is returned
    @NoDoc // not for public use
    abstract Bool processResponse(Obj response)


internal const class ResponseProcessorsImpl : ResponseProcessors {

    private const StrategyRegistry processorStrategy

    internal new make(Type:ResponseProcessor responseProcessors) {
        processorStrategy = StrategyRegistry(responseProcessors)

    override Bool processResponse(Obj response) {
        while (!response.typeof.fits(Bool#)) {
            try {
                response = get(response.typeof).process(response)
            // We handle ReProcessErrs as close to the source as possible as not to bounce back through any 
            // HTTPPipelineFilters
            } catch (ReProcessErr rpe) {
                // re-process any, um, ReProcessErrs!
                response = rpe.responseObj
        // false is fine, it means it wasn't handled, fall through to the next route / filter
        return response

    private ResponseProcessor get(Type responseType) {