const classafBedSheet::Route


Matches uri paths to request handler methods. Any remaining path segments are converted into method arguments. Use * to capture (non-greedy) method arguments, ** to capture all remaining path segments and *** to capture the remaining url. Examples:

glob pattern     uri             arguments
/user/*      --> /user/       => null
/user/*      --> /user/42     => "42"
/user/*      --> /user/42/    => no match
/user/*      --> /user/42/dee => no match

/user/*/*    --> /user/       => no match
/user/*/*    --> /user/42     => no match
/user/*/*    --> /user/42/    => "42", null
/user/*/*    --> /user/42/dee => "42", "dee"

/user/**     --> /user/       => null
/user/**     --> /user/42     => "42"
/user/**     --> /user/42/    => "42"
/user/**     --> /user/42/dee => "42", "dee"

/user/***    --> /user/       => null
/user/***    --> /user/42     => "42"
/user/***    --> /user/42/    => "42/"
/user/***    --> /user/42/dee => "42/dee"

The argument list is then matched to the method parameters, taking into account nullable types and default values. Examples:

method params             arguments       match
Str a, Str b         -->               => no match  
Str a, Str b         -->  null         => no match
Str a, Str b         -->  null,  null  => no match 
Str a, Str b         --> "wot", "ever" => match

Str? a, Str? b       -->               => no match
Str? a, Str? b       -->  null         => no match
Str? a, Str? b       -->  null,  null  => match
Str? a, Str? b       --> "wot", "ever" => match

Str? a, Str? b := "" -->               => no match
Str? a, Str? b := "" -->  null         => match
Str? a, Str? b := "" -->  null,  null  => match
Str? a, Str? b := "" --> "wot", "ever" => match

Str? a, Str b := ""  -->               => no match
Str? a, Str b := ""  -->  null         => match
Str? a, Str b := ""  -->  null,  null  => no match
Str? a, Str b := ""  --> "wot", "ever" => match

Method parameters can be any Obj (and not just Str) as they are converted using the ValueEncoder service.

TIP: Contribute ValueEncoders to convert path segments into Entities. This means BedSheet can call handlers with real entities, not just str IDs!

Parameters of type Str[] are capture all parameters and match the remaining uri (split on /).

Request uri's (for matching purposes) are treated as case-insensitive.

Use ? to optional match the last character. Use to optionally match a trailing slash. e.g.

glob         uri
/index/? --> /index  => match
/index/? --> /index/ => match
/index/  --> /index  => no match
/index   --> /index/ => no match

If a handler class is a service, it is obtained from the IoC registry, otherwise it is autobuilt. If the class is const, the instance is cached for future use.



const Str httpMethod

HTTP method used for this route



new makeFromGlob(Uri glob, Obj response, Str httpMethod := "GET")

Make a Route that matches on the given glob pattern.

glob must start with a slash "/"

httpMethod may be a glob. Example, use "*" to match all methods.



new makeFromRegex(Regex uriRegex, Obj response, Str httpMethod := "GET", Bool matchAllSegs := false)

For hardcore users; make a Route from a regex. Capture groups are used to match arguments. Example:

Route(Regex<|(?i)^\/index\/(.*?)$|>, #foo, "GET", true) -> Route(`/index/**`)

Set matchAllSegs to true to have the last capture group mimic the glob ** operator, splitting on "/" to match all remaining segments.



Obj? match(Uri uri, Str httpMethod)

Returns a response object should the given uri (and http method) match this route. Returns null if not.



const Obj response

The response to be returned from this route.



const Regex routeRegex

The uri regex this route matches.



virtual override Str toStr()