const mixinafBedSheet::ValueEncoder


Implement to convert values to and from Str objects.

ValueEncoders are responsible for converting Strs from request uri segments into request handler method arguments.

In general, Fantom objects use toStr() and fromStr() for Str conversion. While this works well for serialisation, it often falls short in the context of a web application. This is because in an application, the object in question is often an entity or DTO from a database, and you need services to create it... which you don't have in a static fromStr() ctor!

Therefore ValueEncoders allow you to use the standard afIoc dependency injection and any service of your choice.

IOC Configuration

Instances of ValueEncoder should be contributed to the ValueEncoders service and mapped to a Type representing the object it converts.

For example, in your AppModule class:

@Contribute { serviceType=ValueEncoders# }
static Void contributeValueEncoders(Configuration conf) {
  conf[MyEntity#] = conf.autobuild(MyEntityEncoder#)


abstract Str toClient(Obj value)

Encode the given value into a Str.



abstract Obj toValue(Str clientValue)

Decode the given Str back into an Obj.