const mixinafBedSheet::FileHandler


(Service) - Request Handler that maps URIs to files on the file system.

Example, to map all uris prefixed with /pub/ to files under the <app>/etc/web/ directory, add the following to your AppModule:

@Contribute { serviceType=FileHandler# }
static Void contributeFileHandler(MappedConfig conf) {
  conf[`/pub/`] = `etc/web/`

Now all requests to /pub/css/mystyle.css will return the file <app>/etc/web/css/mystyle.css.

It is common to serve files from the root uri:

conf[`/`] = `etc/web/`

Route mappings are automatically added to the Routes service, and are sandwiched in between FileHanderStart and FileHandlerEnd place holders. Use these when Route precedence is important:

@Contribute { serviceId="Routes" }
static Void contributeRoutes(OrderedConfig config) {

  // this Route will be served in place of the file 'uri1.txt'
  config.addOrdered("uri1", Route(`/uri1.txt`, ...), ["before: FileHandlerStart"])

  // this Route will be served if there is no file called 'uri.txt'
  config.addOrdered("uri2", Route(`/uri2.txt`, ...), ["after: FileHandlerEnd"])

@uses MappedConfig of Uri:File



abstract Uri:File directoryMappings()

Returns the map of uri to directory mappings



abstract File? service(Uri remainingUri)

Returns a File on the file system as mapped from the given uri, or null if the file does not exist.