using afIoc::Inject
using afIoc::Registry
using afIoc::ThreadLocalManager
using afConcurrent::LocalRef
using web::Cookie
using web::WebReq
using web::WebRes

** (Service) - An injectable 'const' version of [WebRes]`web::WebRes`.
** This is proxied and will always refers to the current web response.
const mixin HttpResponse {

    ** Get / set the HTTP status code for this response.
    ** Setter throws Err if response is already committed.
    ** @see `web::WebRes.statusCode`
    abstract Int statusCode
    ** Map of HTTP response headers.  You must set all headers before you access out() for the 
    ** first time, which commits the response. Throws Err if response is already committed. 
    ** @see 
    **  - `web::WebRes.headers`
    **  - ``
    abstract HttpResponseHeaders headers()
    ** Return true if this response has been commmited.  A committed response has written its 
    ** response headers, and can no longer modify its status code or headers.  A response is 
    ** committed the first time that `out` is called.
    ** @see `web::WebRes.isCommitted`
    abstract Bool isCommitted()
    ** Returns the 'OutStream' for this response. 
    ** Should current settings allow, the 'OutStream' is automatically gzipped.
    ** @see `web::WebRes.out`
    abstract OutStream out()
    ** Set to 'true' to disable gzip compression for this response.
    ** @see `GzipOutStream`
    abstract Bool disableGzip
    ** Set to 'true' to disable buffering for this response.
    ** @see `BufferedOutStream`
    abstract Bool disableBuffering

    ** Directs the client to display a 'save as' dialog. 
    ** Sets the 'Content-Disposition' http response header. 
    ** Don't forget to set the 'Content-Type' header too!
    ** @see `HttpResponseHeaders.contentDisposition`
    abstract Void saveAsAttachment(Str fileName)

** Wraps a given `HttpResponse`, delegating all its methods. 
** You may find it handy to use when contributing to the 'HttpResponse' delegate chain.
const class HttpResponseWrapper : HttpResponse {
    const    HttpResponse res
    new      make(HttpResponse res)         { this.res = res            } 
    override HttpResponseHeaders headers()  { res.headers               }
    override Bool isCommitted()             { res.isCommitted           }
    override OutStream out()                { res.out                   }
    override Void saveAsAttachment(Str fileName) { res.saveAsAttachment(fileName) }
    override Bool disableGzip {
        get { res.disableGzip }
        set { res.disableGzip = it}
    override Bool disableBuffering {
        get { res.disableBuffering }
        set { res.disableBuffering = it}
    override Int statusCode {
        get { res.statusCode }
        set { res.statusCode = it }

internal const class HttpResponseImpl : HttpResponse {
    @Inject private const Registry  registry
    @Inject private const LocalRef  localGzip
    @Inject private const LocalRef  localBuffering

    override const HttpResponseHeaders  headers

    new make(|This|in) { 
        this.headers = HttpResponseHeaders() |->Str:Str| { webRes.headers }

    override Bool disableGzip {
        get { localGzip.val ?: false }
        set { localGzip.val = it}
    override Bool disableBuffering {
        get { localBuffering.val ?: false }
        set { localBuffering.val = it}
    override Int statusCode {
        get { webRes.statusCode }
        set { webRes.statusCode = it }
    override Bool isCommitted() {
    override OutStream out() {
    override Void saveAsAttachment(Str fileName) {
        headers.contentDisposition = "Attachment; filename=${fileName}"
    private WebRes webRes() {