const mixinafBedSheet::FileHandler

afBedSheet::FileHandler : afBedSheet::ClientAssetProducer

(Service) - A ClientAssetProducer that maps URLs to files on the file system. Use to serve up file assets.

Suppose your project has this directory structure:

 |-- fan/
 |-- test/
 `-- etc
      `-- static-web/
           |-- css/
           |    `-- app.css
           |-- images/
           |    `-- logo.png
           `-- scripts/

To serve up files from the css/ directory add the following to AppModule:

@Contribute { serviceType=FileHandler# }
static Void contributeFileHandler(Configuration conf) {
  conf[`/stylesheets/`] = `etc/static-web/css/`.toFile

Browsers may then access app.css with the URL /stylesheets/app.css.

Rather than hardcoding /stylesheets/app.css in HTML, it is better to generate a client URL from FileHandler.

urlStr := fileHandler.fromLocalUrl(`/stylesheets/app.css`).clientUrl.encode

Most of the time urlStr will be the same as the hardcoded URL but it has the added benefit of:

  • Failing fast if the file does not exist
  • generating correct URLs in non-root WebMods
  • utilising an asset caching strategy

The generated clientUrl contains any extra WebMod path segments required to reach the BedSheet WebMod. It is also transformed by asset caching strategies such as Cold Feet.

Serve All Root Directories

Using the above example, extra config would need to be added to serve the images/ and the scripts/ directories. This is not ideal. So to serve all the files and directories under etc/static-web/ add config for the root URL:

conf[`/`] = `etc/static-web/`.toFile

This way everything under etc/static-web/ is served as is. Example, logo.png is accessed with the URL /images/logo.png.

Fail Fast

An understated advantage of using FileHandler to generate client URLs is that it fails fast.

Should an asset not exist on the file system (due to a bodged rename, a case sensitivity issue, or other) then FileHandler will throw an Err on the server when the client URL is constructed. This allows your web tests to quickly pick up these tricky errors.

The lesser appealing alternative is for the incorrect URL to be served to the browser which on following, will subsequently receive a 404 - Not Found. While this may not seem a big deal, these errors often go unnoticed and easily find their way into production.

Precedence with Routes

FileHandler is a ClientAssetProducer so file assets are served by the Asset Middleware. By default the Asset Middleware is processed before the Routes Middleware so should an asset and Route serve the same URL, the asset takes precedence. (Meaning the asset is served and Route is not processed.)

@uses Configuration of Uri:File



abstract Uri:File directoryMappings()

Returns the map of URL to directory mappings



abstract ClientAsset? fromLocalUrl(Uri localUrl, Bool checked := true)

Given a local URL (a simple URL relative to the WebMod), this returns a corresponding (cached) FileAsset.

url := fileHandler.fromLocalUrl(`/stylesheets/app.css`).clientUrl.encode

Throws ArgErr if the checked and file does not exist, null otherwise.



abstract ClientAsset? fromServerFile(File serverFile, Bool checked := true)

Given a file on the server, this returns a corresponding (cached) ClientAsset.

Throws ArgErr if the checked and file does not exist, null otherwise.