using afIoc::Inject
using afIoc::Registry
using web::WebReq
using inet::IpAddr
using inet::SocketOptions
using concurrent

** (Service) - An injectable 'const' version of [WebReq]`web::WebReq`.
** This class will always refer to the current web request.
const mixin HttpRequest {

    ** Returns 'true' if an 'XMLHttpRequest', as specified by the 'X-Requested-With' HTTP header.
    abstract Bool isXmlHttpRequest()
    ** The HTTP version of the request.
    ** @see `web::WebReq.version`
    abstract Version httpVersion()
    ** The HTTP request method in uppercase. Example: GET, POST, PUT.
    ** @see `web::WebReq.method`
    abstract Str httpMethod()

    ** The IP host address of the client socket making this request.
    ** @see `web::WebReq.remoteAddr`
    abstract IpAddr remoteAddr()
    ** The IP port of the client socket making this request.
    ** @see `web::WebReq.remotePort`
    abstract Int remotePort()

    ** The URL relative to `BedSheetWebMod`, includes query string and fragment. 
    ** Always starts with a '/'.
    ** Examples:
    **   /a/b/index.html
    **   /a?q=bar
    ** This is equivalent to a *local URL*. 
    ** @see `web::WebReq.modRel`
    abstract Uri url()

    ** The absolute request URL including the full authority and the query string.  
    ** This method is equivalent to:
    **   "http://" + headers["Host"] + path + url
    ** where 'path' is the request path to the current 'WebMod'.
    ** Examples:
    ** @see `web::WebReq.absUri`
    abstract Uri urlAbs()

    ** Map of HTTP request headers. The map is readonly and case insensitive.
    ** @see `web::WebReq.headers`
    ** @see ``
    abstract HttpRequestHeaders headers()
    ** The accepted locales for this request based on the "Accept-Language" HTTP header. List is 
    ** sorted by preference, where 'locales.first' is best, and 'locales.last' is worst. This list 
    ** is guaranteed to contain Locale("en").
    ** @see `web::WebReq.locales`
    abstract Locale[] locales()
    ** 'Stash' allows you to store temporary data on the request, to easily pass it between 
    ** services and objects.
    ** It is good for a quick win, but if you find yourself consistently relying on it, consider 
    ** making a thread scoped service instead. 
    abstract Str:Obj? stash()

    ** Returns the request body.
    abstract HttpRequestBody body()
    ** This method will:
    **   1. Check that the content-type is form-data
    **   2. Get the boundary string
    **   3. Invoke the callback for each part
    ** For each part in the stream this calls the given callback function with the part's 
    ** name, headers, and an input stream used to read the part's body.
    ** @see `web::WebReq.parseMultiPartForm`
    abstract Void parseMultiPartForm(|Str partName, InStream in, Str:Str headers| callback)

    abstract SocketOptions socketOptions()

** Wraps a given `HttpRequest`, delegating all its methods. 
** You may find it handy to use when contributing to the 'HttpRequest' delegate chain.
const class HttpRequestWrapper : HttpRequest {
    const    HttpRequest req
    new      make(HttpRequest req)          { this.req = req        } 
    override Bool isXmlHttpRequest()        { req.isXmlHttpRequest  }
    override Version httpVersion()          { req.httpVersion       }
    override Str httpMethod()               { req.httpMethod        }
    override IpAddr remoteAddr()            { req.remoteAddr        }
    override Int remotePort()               { req.remotePort        }
    override Uri url()                      { req.url               }
    override Uri urlAbs()                   { req.urlAbs            }
    override HttpRequestHeaders headers()   { req.headers           }
    override Locale[] locales()             { req.locales           }
    override Str:Obj? stash()               { req.stash             }
    override HttpRequestBody body()         { req.body              }
    override SocketOptions socketOptions()  { req.socketOptions     }
    override Void parseMultiPartForm(|Str, InStream, Str:Str| cb)   { req.parseMultiPartForm(cb) }

internal const class HttpRequestImpl : HttpRequest {    
    override const HttpRequestHeaders   headers
    @Inject  const |->RequestState|?    reqState    // nullable for testing
    new make(|This|? in := null) { 
        this.headers = HttpRequestHeaders() |->Str:Str| { webReq.headers }
    override Bool isXmlHttpRequest() {
        headers.get("X-Requested-With")?.equalsIgnoreCase("XMLHttpRequest") ?: false
    override Version httpVersion() {
    override Str httpMethod() {
    override IpAddr remoteAddr() {
    override Int remotePort() {
    override Uri url() {
        rel := webReq.modRel
        // see [Inconsistent WebReq::modRel()]``
        return rel.isPathAbs ? rel : `/` + rel
    override Uri urlAbs() {
        host := ?: throw Err("Missing Host header")
        return `http://${host}/` + webReq.uri
    override Locale[] locales() {
    override Str:Obj? stash() {
    override HttpRequestBody body() {
    override SocketOptions socketOptions()  {
    override Void parseMultiPartForm(|Str, InStream, Str:Str| cb) {
    private WebReq webReq() {
        // let's simplify and optimise, no point in querying IoC for this.
        try return Actor.locals["web.req"]
        catch (NullErr e) 
            throw Err("No web request active in thread")