using web::WebReq
using afIoc

** (Service) - 
** A 'ClientAssetProducer' that maps URLs to files on the file system.
** Use to serve up file assets.
** Note if no configuration is given to 'FileHandler' then it defaults to serving files from the 
** 'etc/web-static/' directory.
** Configuration [#configuration]
** ==============================
** Suppose your project has this directory structure:
** pre>
** myProj/
**  |- fan/
**  |- test/
**  |- etc
**      |- www/
**          |- css/
**          |   |- app.css
**          |- images/
**          |   |- logo.png
**          |- scripts/
** <pre
** To serve up files from the 'css/' directory add the following to 'AppModule':
** pre>
** syntax: fantom
** @Contribute { serviceType=FileHandler# }
** Void contributeFileHandler(Configuration config) {
**     config[`/stylesheets/`] = `etc/www/css/`.toFile
** }
** <pre
** Browsers may then access 'app.css' with the URL '/stylesheets/app.css'.
** Rather than hardcoding the string '/stylesheets/app.css' in HTML, it is better to generate a 
** client URL from 'FileHandler'.
**   syntax: fantom
**   urlStr := fileHandler.fromLocalUrl(`/stylesheets/app.css`).clientUrl.encode
** Most of the time 'urlStr' will be the same as the hardcoded URL but it has the added benefit of:
**  - Failing fast if the file does not exist
**  - generating correct URLs in non-root WebMods
**  - utilising an asset caching strategy
** The generated 'clientUrl' contains any extra 'WebMod' path segments required to reach the BedSheet 'WebMod'.
** It is also transformed by asset caching strategies such as [Cold Feet]``.
** Serve All Root Directories [#serveAllDirs]
** ==========================================
** Using the above example, extra config would need to be added to serve the 'images/' and the 'scripts/' directories. 
** This is not ideal. So to serve all the files and directories under 'etc/www/' add config for the root URL:  
**   syntax: fantom
**   conf[`/`] = `etc/www/`.toFile
** This way everything under 'etc/www/' is served as is. Example, 'logo.png' is accessed with the URL '/images/logo.png'.
** Note if no configuration is given to 'FileHandler' then it defaults to serving root files from the 'etc/web-static/' directory.
** Fail Fast [#failFast]
** =====================
** An understated advantage of using 'FileHandler' to generate client URLs is that it fails fast.
** Should an asset not exist on the file system (due to a bodged rename, a case sensitivity issue, or other) then 'FileHandler' will throw an Err on the server when the client URL is constructed.
** This allows your web tests to quickly pick up these tricky errors.
** The lesser appealing alternative is for the incorrect URL to be served to the browser which on following, will subsequently receive a '404 - Not Found'.
** While this may not seem a big deal, these errors often go unnoticed and easily find their way into production.
** Precedence with Routes [#RoutePrecedence] 
** =========================================
** 'FileHandler' is a 'ClientAssetProducer' so file assets are served by the Asset Middleware. 
** By default the Asset Middleware is processed before the Routes Middleware so should an asset and 
** Route serve the same URL, the asset takes precedence. (Meaning the asset is served and Route is not processed.)
** @uses Configuration of 'Uri:File'
const mixin FileHandler : ClientAssetProducer {

    ** Returns the map of URL to directory mappings
    abstract Uri:File directoryMappings()
    ** Given a local URL (a simple URL relative to the WebMod), this returns a corresponding (cached) 'FileAsset'.
    **   url := fileHandler.fromLocalUrl(`/stylesheets/app.css`).clientUrl.encode
    ** Throws 'ArgErr' if the checked and file does not exist, 'null' otherwise.
    abstract ClientAsset? fromLocalUrl(Uri localUrl, Bool checked := true)

    ** Given a file on the server, this returns a corresponding (cached) 'ClientAsset'.
    ** Throws 'ArgErr' if the checked and file does not exist, 'null' otherwise.
    abstract ClientAsset? fromServerFile(File serverFile, Bool checked := true)
    ** Finds the directory mapping that best fits the given local URL, or 'null' if not found.
    @NoDoc  // Experimental advanced use - see Duvet
    abstract Uri? findMappingFromLocalUrl(Uri localUrl)

internal const class FileHandlerImpl : FileHandler {
    @Inject private const |->ClientAssetCache|  assetCache
    @Inject private const Scope                 scope
            override const Uri:File             directoryMappings
    new make(Uri:File dirMappings, |This|? in) {
        // verify file and uri mappings, normalise the files
        directoryMappings := |file, uri -> File| {
            if (!file.exists)
                throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.fileNotFound(file))
            if (!file.isDir)
                throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.fileIsNotDirectory(file))
            if (!uri.isPathOnly)
                throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.urlMustBePathOnly(uri, `/foo/bar/`))
            if (!uri.isPathAbs)
                throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.urlMustStartWithSlash(uri, `/foo/bar/`))
            if (!uri.isDir)
                throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.urlMustEndWithSlash(uri, `/foo/bar/`))
            return file.normalize
        // add our default dir mapping should no config be given
        if (directoryMappings.isEmpty)
            directoryMappings[`/`] = `etc/web-static/`.toFile
        this.directoryMappings = directoryMappings
    override Uri? findMappingFromLocalUrl(Uri localUri) {
        Utils.validateLocalUrl(localUri, `/css/myStyles.css`)
        // TODO: what if 2 dirs map to the same url at the same level?

        // use pathStr to knockout any unwanted query str
        localUrl := localUri.pathStr.toUri

        // match the deepest uri
        prefixes:= directoryMappings.keys.findAll { localUrl.toStr.startsWith(it.toStr) }
        prefix  := prefixes.size == 1 ? prefixes.first : prefixes.sort |u1, u2 -> Int| { u1.path.size <=> u2.path.size }.last
        return prefix

    override ClientAsset? produceAsset(Uri localUrl) {
        _fromLocalUrl(localUrl, false, false)

    override ClientAsset? fromLocalUrl(Uri localUrl, Bool checked := true) {
        _fromLocalUrl(localUrl, checked, true)

    override ClientAsset? fromServerFile(File file, Bool checked := true) {
        _fromServerFile(file, checked, true)

    ClientAsset? _fromLocalUrl(Uri localUrl, Bool checked, Bool cache) {
        prefix  := findMappingFromLocalUrl(localUrl)
        if (prefix == null)
            if (checked) throw BedSheetNotFoundErr(BsErrMsgs.fileHandler_urlNotMapped(localUrl), directoryMappings.keys) 
            else return null

        // We pass 'false' to prevent Errs being thrown if the uri is a dir but doesn't end in '/'.
        // The 'false' appends a '/' automatically - it's nicer web behaviour
        remaining := localUrl.getRange(prefix.path.size..-1).relTo(`/`)
        file      := directoryMappings[prefix].plus(remaining, false)

        return _fromServerFile(file, checked, cache)

    ClientAsset? _fromServerFile(File file, Bool checked, Bool cache) {
        fileUri := file.normalize.uri.toStr
        prefix  := (Uri?) directoryMappings.eachWhile |af, uri->Uri?| { fileUri.startsWith(af.uri.toStr) ? uri : null }
        if (prefix == null)
            if (checked) throw BedSheetNotFoundErr(BsErrMsgs.fileHandler_fileNotMapped(file), { it.osPath })
            else return null
        matchedFile := directoryMappings[prefix]
        remaining   := fileUri[matchedFile.uri.toStr.size..-1]
        localUrl    := prefix + remaining.toUri

        makeFunc := |Uri key->ClientAsset?| {
            // don't throw HttpStatusErrs 'cos this is an API call (for template generation), not a response. 
            if (file.isDir) // not allowed, until I implement it! 
                if (checked) throw ArgErr(BsErrMsgs.directoryListingNotAllowed(localUrl))
                else return null
            if (!file.exists)
                if (checked) throw ArgErr(BsErrMsgs.fileNotFound(file))
                else return null

            return, [localUrl, file])
        return cache ? assetCache().getAndUpdateOrMake(localUrl, makeFunc) : makeFunc(localUrl)