** (Response Object) - 
** Use to send redirect 3xx status codes to the client. Handles the 
** differences in HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1. 
**   syntax: fantom
**   HttpRedirect.movedTemporarily(`/newUrl`)
** @see
**  - ``
**  - ``
const final class HttpRedirect {
    ** The URL to redirect to.
    const Uri location

    ** Type combined with the HTTP version determines the HTTP status code to return.
    const HttpRedirectType type

    private new make(Uri redirectTo, HttpRedirectType type) {
        this.location   = redirectTo
        this.type       = type

    ** Sends a 'Moved Permanently' response to the client with the following status codes:
    **  - 301 for HTTP 1.0 
    **  - 308 for HTTP 1.1
    ** The client should use the same HTTP method when requesting the redirect.
    static new movedPermanently(Uri redirectTo) {
        // @see
        // @see
        HttpRedirect.make(redirectTo, HttpRedirectType.movedPermanently)

    ** Sends a 'Moved Temporarily' response to the client with the following status codes:
    **  - 302 for HTTP 1.0 
    **  - 307 for HTTP 1.1
    ** The client should use the same HTTP method when requesting the redirect.
    static new movedTemporarily(Uri redirectTo) {
        HttpRedirect.make(redirectTo, HttpRedirectType.movedTemporarily)

    ** Use when the client should perform a HTTP GET to the returned location. Typically this is 
    ** when you implement the *Redirect After Post* paradigm. 
    **  - 302 for HTTP 1.0 
    **  - 303 for HTTP 1.1
    static new afterPost(Uri redirectTo) {
        HttpRedirect.make(redirectTo, HttpRedirectType.afterPost)
    ** Throw to send a redirect to the client. 
    ** Use in exceptional cases where it may not be suitable / possible to return a 'Redirect' instance.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   throw HttpRedirect.movedPermanentlyErr(`/some/other/page.html`)
    static ReProcessErr movedPermanentlyErr(Uri redirectTo) {

    ** Throw to send a redirect to the client. 
    ** Use in exceptional cases where it may not be suitable / possible to return a 'Redirect' instance.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   throw HttpRedirect.movedTemporarilyErr(`/some/other/page.html`)
    static ReProcessErr movedTemporarilyErr(Uri redirectTo) {

    ** Throw to send a redirect to the client. 
    ** Use in exceptional cases where it may not be suitable / possible to return a 'Redirect' instance.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   throw HttpRedirect.afterPostErr(`/some/other/page.html`)
    static ReProcessErr afterPostErr(Uri redirectTo) {
    override Str toStr() {
        "Redirect -> ${location} (${type.toStr.toDisplayName})"
    internal static HttpRedirect fromLegacy(Redirect redirect) {
        HttpRedirect(redirect.location, redirect.type)

** (Response Object) - 
** Use to send redirect 3xx status codes to the client. Handles the 
** differences in HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1. 
**   syntax: fantom
**   HttpRedirect.movedTemporarily(`/newUrl`)
** @see
**  - ``
**  - ``
@NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use HttpRedirect instead" }
const final class Redirect {
    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'location' instead" }
    Uri uri() { location }

    ** The URL to redirect to.
    const Uri location

    ** Type combined with the HTTP version determines the HTTP status code to return.
    const HttpRedirectType type

    private new make(Uri redirectTo, HttpRedirectType type) {
        this.location   = redirectTo
        this.type       = type

    ** Sends a 'Moved Permanently' response to the client with the following status codes:
    **  - 301 for HTTP 1.0 
    **  - 308 for HTTP 1.1
    ** The client should use the same HTTP method when requesting the redirect.
    static new movedPermanently(Uri redirectTo) {
        // @see
        // @see
        Redirect.make(redirectTo, HttpRedirectType.movedPermanently)

    ** Sends a 'Moved Temporarily' response to the client with the following status codes:
    **  - 302 for HTTP 1.0 
    **  - 307 for HTTP 1.1
    ** The client should use the same HTTP method when requesting the redirect.
    static new movedTemporarily(Uri redirectTo) {
        Redirect.make(redirectTo, HttpRedirectType.movedTemporarily)

    ** Use when the client should perform a HTTP GET to the returned location. Typically this is 
    ** when you implement the *Redirect After Post* paradigm. 
    **  - 302 for HTTP 1.0 
    **  - 303 for HTTP 1.1
    static new afterPost(Uri redirectTo) {
        Redirect.make(redirectTo, HttpRedirectType.afterPost)
    ** Throw to send a redirect to the client. 
    ** Use in exceptional cases where it may not be suitable / possible to return a 'Redirect' instance.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   throw HttpRedirect.movedPermanentlyErr(`/some/other/page.html`)
    static ReProcessErr movedPermanentlyErr(Uri redirectTo) {

    ** Throw to send a redirect to the client. 
    ** Use in exceptional cases where it may not be suitable / possible to return a 'Redirect' instance.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   throw HttpRedirect.movedTemporarilyErr(`/some/other/page.html`)
    static ReProcessErr movedTemporarilyErr(Uri redirectTo) {

    ** Throw to send a redirect to the client. 
    ** Use in exceptional cases where it may not be suitable / possible to return a 'Redirect' instance.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   throw HttpRedirect.afterPostErr(`/some/other/page.html`)
    static ReProcessErr afterPostErr(Uri redirectTo) {
    override Str toStr() {
        "Redirect -> ${location} (${type.toStr.toDisplayName})"

** The type of HttpRedirect.
enum class HttpRedirectType {
    // order is important - see statusCode() below
    private static const Version ver10      := Version("1.0")
    private static const Int[] statusCodes  := [301, 302, 302, 308, 307, 303]

    ** Returns the HTTP status code associated with this redirect type, based on the given HTTP version.
    ** If the no HTTP version is given, it is assumed to be HTTP 1.1.
    ** Note status codes only differ for HTTP 1.0.
    Int statusCode(Version? httpVer := null) {
        index := ordinal
        if (httpVer == null || httpVer > ver10)
            index = index + 3
        return statusCodes[index]