using afIoc::Inject
using afIoc::Scope
using afIocConfig::Config
using afBeanUtils::ArgNotFoundErr
** (Service) -
** A 'ClientAssetProducer' that maps URLs to file resources inside pods.
** To access a pod resource use URLs in the format:
** /<baseUrl>/<podName>/<fileName>
** By default the 'baseUrl' is '/pod/' which means you should always be able to access the flux icon.
** /pod/icons/x256/flux.png
** Change the base url in the application defaults:
** pre>
** syntax: fantom
** @Contribute { serviceType=ApplicationDefaults# }
** Void contributeAppDefaults(Configuration config) {
** config[BedSheetConfigIds.podHandlerBaseUrl] = `/some/other/url/`
** }
** <pre
** Set the base url to 'null' to disable the serving of pod resources.
** Serve Fantom Code
** =================
** Fantom compiles all classes in a pod annotated with the '@Js' facet into a Javascript file that is saved in the pod.
** These pod '.js' files can then be served up with 'PodHandler' allowing you execute Fantom code in the browser.
** Here is an example that calls 'alert()' via Fantom's DOM pod. To run, just serve the example as static HTML:
** pre>
** syntax: html
** <!DOCTYPE html>
** <html>
** <head>
** <script type="text/javascript" src="/pod/sys/sys.js"></script>
** <script type="text/javascript" src="/pod/gfx/gfx.js"></script>
** <script type="text/javascript" src="/pod/web/web.js"></script>
** <script type="text/javascript" src="/pod/dom/dom.js"></script>
** </head>
** <body>
** <h1>Old Skool Example</h1>
** <script type="text/javascript">
** fan.dom.Win.cur().alert("Hello Mum!");
** </script>
** </body>
** </html>
** <pre
** Note that the order in which the pod '.js' files are listed is very important; each pod's dependencies must be listed before the pod itself.
** Fantom code may also be executed via the [web::WebUtil.jsMain()]`web::WebUtil.jsMain` method.
** A much cleaner way injecting Fantom code is to use the [Duvet library]`` which uses
** [RequireJS]`` to wrap up the Fantom code as dependency managed Javascript modules.
** Resource Whitelist
** ==================
** Because pods may contain sensitive data, the entire contents of all the pods are NOT available by default. Oh no!
** 'PodHandler' has a whitelist of Regexes that specify which pod files are allowed to be served.
** If a pod resource doesn't match a regex, it doesn't get served.
** By default only a handful of files with common web extensions are allowed. These include:
** pre>
** . web files: .css .htm .html .js .xhtml
** image files: .bmp .gif .ico .jpg .png
** sound files: .mp3 .ogg .wav .opus
** web font files: .eot .otf .svg .ttf .woff
** other files: .csv .txt .xml
** <pre
** To add or remove whitelist regexs, contribute to 'PodHandler':
** pre>
** syntax: fantom
** @Contribute { serviceType=PodHandler# }
** static Void contributePodHandler(Configuration conf) {
** conf.remove(".txt") // prevent .txt files from being served
** conf["acmePodFiles"] = "^fan://acme/.*$" // serve all files from the acme pod
** }
** <pre
const mixin PodHandler : ClientAssetProducer {
** The local URL under which pod resources are served.
** Set by `BedSheetConfigIds.podHandlerBaseUrl`, defaults to '/pods/'.
abstract Uri? baseUrl()
** Given a local URL (a simple URL relative to the WebMod), this returns a corresponding (cached) 'FileAsset'.
** Throws 'ArgErr' if the URL is not mapped or does not exist.
abstract ClientAsset? fromLocalUrl(Uri localUrl, Bool checked := true)
** Given a pod resource file, this returns a corresponding (cached) 'FileAsset'.
** The URI must adhere to the 'fan://<pod>/<file>' scheme notation.
** Throws 'ArgErr' if the URL is not mapped or does not exist.
abstract ClientAsset? fromPodResource(Uri podResource, Bool checked := true)
internal const class PodHandlerImpl : PodHandler {
@Config { id="afBedSheet.podHandler.baseUrl" }
@Inject override const Uri? baseUrl
@Inject private const |->ClientAssetCache| assetCache
@Inject private const Scope scope
private const Regex[] whitelistFilters
new make(Regex[] filters, |This|? in) {
this.whitelistFilters = filters
if (baseUrl == null)
if (!baseUrl.isPathOnly)
throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.urlMustBePathOnly(baseUrl, `/pod/`))
if (!baseUrl.isPathAbs)
throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.urlMustStartWithSlash(baseUrl, `/pod/`))
if (!baseUrl.isDir)
throw BedSheetErr(BsErrMsgs.urlMustEndWithSlash(baseUrl, `/pod/`))
override ClientAsset? produceAsset(Uri localUrl) {
_fromLocalUrl(localUrl, false, false)
override ClientAsset? fromLocalUrl(Uri localUrl, Bool checked := true) {
_fromLocalUrl(localUrl, checked, true)
override ClientAsset? fromPodResource(Uri podUrl, Bool checked := true) {
_fromPodResource(podUrl, checked, true)
ClientAsset? _fromLocalUrl(Uri localUrl, Bool checked, Bool cache) {
if (baseUrl == null)
if (checked) throw Err(BsErrMsgs.podHandler_disabled)
else return null
Utils.validateLocalUrl(localUrl, `/pod/icons/x256/flux.png`)
if (!localUrl.toStr.startsWith(baseUrl.toStr))
if (checked) throw ArgErr(BsErrMsgs.podHandler_urlNotMapped(localUrl, baseUrl))
else return null
remainingUrl := localUrl.relTo(baseUrl)
return fromPodResource(`fan://${remainingUrl}`, checked)
ClientAsset? _fromPodResource(Uri podUrl, Bool checked, Bool cache) {
if (baseUrl == null)
if (checked) throw Err(BsErrMsgs.podHandler_disabled)
else return null
if (podUrl.scheme != "fan")
if (checked) throw ArgErr(BsErrMsgs.podHandler_urlNotFanScheme(podUrl))
else return null
resource := (Obj?) null
try resource = podUrl.get
if (checked) throw ArgErr(BsErrMsgs.podHandler_urlDoesNotResolve(podUrl))
else return null
if (resource isnot File) // WTF!?
if (checked) throw ArgErr(BsErrMsgs.podHandler_urlNotFile(podUrl, resource))
else return null
file := (File) resource
podPath := file.uri.toStr
if (!whitelistFilters.any { it.matches(podPath) })
if (checked) throw ArgNotFoundErr(BsErrMsgs.podHandler_notInWhitelist(podPath), whitelistFilters)
else return null
host :=
path := file.uri.pathOnly.relTo(`/`)
localUrl := baseUrl + host + path
makeFunc := |Uri key->ClientAsset?| {
if (!file.exists)
if (checked) throw ArgErr(BsErrMsgs.fileNotFound(file))
else return null
return, [localUrl, file])
return cache ? assetCache().getAndUpdateOrMake(localUrl, makeFunc) : makeFunc(localUrl)