** Parses a 'Str' of HTTP qvalues as per HTTP 1.1 Spec / 
** [rfc2616-sec14.3]``. Provides some 
** useful accessor methods; like [#accepts(Str name)]`QualityValues.accepts` which returns 'true' only if the 
** name exists AND has a qvalue greater than 0.0.
** @see ``
class QualityValues {

    private HttpQVal[]  qVals
    private new fromHttpQVals(HttpQVal[] qVals) {
        this.qVals = qVals
    ** Creates a new 'QualityValues' instance from the given map.
    static new make(Str:Float qvals) {
        // used by afHaystackOps for StackHub
        http := HttpQVal[,]
        qvals.each |v, k| {
        return fromHttpQVals(http)
    ** Parses a HTTP header value into a 'name:qvalue' map.
    ** Throws 'ParseErr' if the header Str is invalid.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   QualityValues("Accept: audio/*; q=0.2, audio/basic")
    static new fromStr(Str? header := null, Bool checked := true) {
        if (header == null)
            return QualityValues(HttpQVal[,])

        try {
            qVals := header.split(',').map |val| {
                val.isEmpty ? null : HttpQVal(val)
            }.exclude { it == null }
            return QualityValues(qVals.sortr)
        } catch (ParseErr pe) {
            if (checked) throw pe
            return null

    ** Returns a joined-up Str of qvalues that may be set in a HTTP header. The names are sorted by 
    ** qvalue. Example:
    **   audio/*; q=0.2, audio/basic
    override Str toStr() {
        qVals.join(", ")

    ** Returns the qvalue associated with 'name'. Defaults to '0' if 'name' was not supplied.
    ** This method matches against '*' wildcards in the qvalue list, but favours exact match.
    Float get(Str name) {
        vals := HttpQVal#.emptyList as HttpQVal[]

        // favour an exact match before a wildcard match
        if (vals.isEmpty)
            vals = qVals.findAll { it.fullName == name }.sortr
        if (vals.isEmpty)
            vals = qVals.findAll { it.accepts(name) }.sortr
        if (vals.isEmpty)
            return 0f
        partialMatch := vals.find {"*") == false }
        if (partialMatch != null)
            return partialMatch.quality ?: 1f

        return vals.first.quality ?: 1f

    ** Returns 'true' if 'name' was supplied in the header.
    ** This method matches against '*' wildcards in the qvalue list.
    Bool contains(Str name) {
        qVals.any { it.matches(name) }

    ** Returns 'true' if the name was supplied in the header AND has a qvalue > 0.0
    ** This method matches against '*' wildcards in the qvalue list.
    Bool accepts(Str name) {
        qVals.any { it.accepts(name) }
    ** Returns the number of values given in the header
    Int size() {
    ** Returns 'size() == 0'
    Bool isEmpty() {
    ** Clears the qvalues
    Void clear() {
    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'qvalues' instead" } 
    Str:Float toMap() {
    ** Returns a dup of the internal 'name:qvalue' map.
    ** Use 'get()' and 'set()' to modify qvalues.
    Str:Float qvalues() {
        val := Str:Float[:]
        val.ordered = true
        qVals.each { val[it.fullName] = it.quality ?: 1f }
        return val

internal class HttpQVal {
    Str         name
    [Str:Str]?  params
    Float?      quality
    new fromStr(Str val) {
        idx := val.index(";")
        if (idx == null) {
   = val
        params := MimeType.parseParams(val[idx+1..-1], true)
        if (params.containsKey("q") == false) {
   = val
        qnum := params.remove("q").toFloat(false)
        if (qnum == null)
            throw ParseErr("q is not a float: $val")
        if (qnum < 0.0f || qnum > 1.0f)
            throw ParseErr("q should be 0..1: $val")       = val[0..<idx]
        this.quality    = qnum
        if (params.size > 0)
            this.params = params
    Bool matches(Str name) {
    Bool accepts(Str name) {
        Regex.glob( && (quality == null || quality > 0f)
    Str fullName() {
        params == null
            ? name
            : name + ";" + params.join(";") |v, k| {
                v.isEmpty ? k : "${k}=${v}"
    override Int compare(Obj obj) {
        that := (HttpQVal) obj
        if (this.quality != that.quality)
            return (this.quality ?: 1f) <=> (that.quality ?: 1f)
        if ( !=
            return <=>
        // params trump non-params
        if (this.params != null && that.params == null)
            return -1

        return 0
    override Str toStr() {
        quality == null
            ? fullName
            : fullName + ";q=" + quality.toLocale("0.0##")