using afPlastic::SrcCodeErr
using afPlastic::SrcCodeSnippet

** Indicates a 'Mustache' parsing Err; the stack trace trace contains a code snippet of where the 
** Err occurred.
const class MoustacheErr : Err, SrcCodeErr {
    const override SrcCodeSnippet   srcCode
    const override Int              errLineNo
    private const  Int              linesOfPadding

    internal new make(SrcCodeSnippet srcCode, Int errLineNo, Str errMsg, Int linesOfPadding) : super(errMsg) {
        this.srcCode = srcCode
        this.errLineNo = errLineNo
        this.linesOfPadding = linesOfPadding
    override Str toStr() {
        print(msg, linesOfPadding)