** Manages a Map stored in 'Actor.locals' with a unique key.
** Note that 'LocalMaps' are lazy; that is, no Map is created or stored in 'Actor.locals' until accessed.
// @Js  - see
const class LocalMap {
    ** The 'LocalRef' this 'LocalMap' wraps. 
    const LocalRef  localRef

    ** The default value to use for `get` when a key isn't mapped.
    const Obj? def              := null
    ** Configures case sensitivity for maps with Str keys.
    **   LocalMap("name") { it.keyType = Str#; it.caseInsensitive = true }
    **   syntax: fantom
    const Bool caseInsensitive  := false

    ** If 'true' the map will maintain the order in which key/value pairs are added.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   LocalMap("name") { it.ordered = true }
    const Bool ordered          := false
    ** Used to parameterize the backing map.
    ** Must be non-nullable.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   LocalMap("name") { it.keyType = Int# }
    const Type keyType          := Obj#
    ** Used to parameterize the backing map. 
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   LocalMap("name") { it.valType = Str# }
    const Type valType          := Obj?#

    ** Makes a 'LocalMap' instance. 'name' is passed to 'LocalRef'.
    new make(Str name := "LocalMap", |This|? f := null) {
        this.localRef = LocalRef(name) |->Obj?| {
            Map.make(Map#.parameterize(["K":keyType, "V":valType])) {
                if (this.def != null)
                    it.def = this.def
                if (this.caseInsensitive) 
                    it.caseInsensitive = this.caseInsensitive 
                it.ordered = this.ordered 
        if (caseInsensitive && keyType == Obj#)
            keyType = Str#

    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'val' instead" }
    [Obj:Obj?] map {
        get { val }
        set { val = it }
    ** Gets or sets the thread local map
    [Obj:Obj?] val {
        get { localRef.val }
        set { 
            ConcurrentUtils.checkMapType(it.typeof, keyType, valType)
            localRef.val = it 

    ** Returns the value associated with the given key. 
    ** If it doesn't exist then it is added from the value function. 
    ** This method is thread safe. 'valFunc' will not be called twice for the same key.
    Obj? getOrAdd(Obj key, |Obj key->Obj?| valFunc) {
        ConcurrentUtils.checkType(key.typeof,  keyType, "Map key")
        return val.getOrAdd(key) |Obj k1->Obj?| {
            val := valFunc(k1)
            ConcurrentUtils.checkType(val?.typeof, valType, "Map value")
            return val

    ** Sets the key / value pair, ensuring no data is lost during multi-threaded race conditions.
    ** Though the same key may be overridden. Both the 'key' and 'val' must be immutable. 
    Void set(Obj key, Obj? item) {
        ConcurrentUtils.checkType(key.typeof,  keyType, "Map key")
        ConcurrentUtils.checkType(item?.typeof, valType, "Map value")
        val[key] = item

    ** Remove all key/value pairs from the map. Return this.
    This clear() {
        if (localRef.isMapped)
        return this

    ** Remove the key/value pair identified by the specified key
    ** from the map and return the value. 
    ** If the key was not mapped then return 'null'.
    Obj? remove(Obj key) {
    // ---- Common Map Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------

    ** Returns 'true' if the map contains the given key
    Bool containsKey(Obj key) {
        localRef.isMapped ? val.containsKey(key) : false
    ** Call the specified function for every key/value in the map.
    Void each(|Obj? item, Obj key| c) {

    ** Returns the value associated with the given key. 
    ** If key is not mapped, then return the value of the 'def' parameter.  
    ** If 'def' is omitted it defaults to 'null'.
    Obj? get(Obj key, Obj? def := this.def) {
        localRef.isMapped ? val.get(key, def) : def
    ** Return 'true' if size() == 0
    Bool isEmpty() {
        localRef.isMapped ? val.isEmpty : true

    ** Returns a list of all the mapped keys.
    Obj[] keys() {
        localRef.isMapped ? val.keys : keyType.emptyList

    ** Get the number of key/value pairs in the map.
    Int size() {
        localRef.isMapped ? val.size : 0

    ** Returns a list of all the mapped values.
    Obj?[] vals() {
        localRef.isMapped ? val.vals : valType.emptyList

    ** Returns a string representation the map.
    override Str toStr() {