using afPlastic::SrcCodeErr
using afPlastic::SrcCodeSnippet

** As thrown by Efan.
const class EfanErr : Err {
    new make(Str msg := "", Err? cause := null) : super(msg, cause) {}

** Thrown when the efan template can not be parsed.
const class EfanParserErr : EfanErr, SrcCodeErr {
    const override SrcCodeSnippet   srcCode
    const override Int              errLineNo
    const override Int              linesOfPadding

    internal new make(SrcCodeSnippet srcCode, Int errLineNo, Str errMsg, Int linesOfPadding) : super(errMsg) {
        this.srcCode = srcCode
        this.errLineNo = errLineNo
        this.linesOfPadding = linesOfPadding
    ** Creates a new 'EfanParserErr', appending the given msg to end of the err msg.
    EfanParserErr withXtraMsg(Str xtraMsg) {
        EfanParserErr(srcCode, errLineNo, this.msg + xtraMsg, linesOfPadding)

    override Str toStr() {
        trace := "\n${}:\n"
        trace += toSnippetStr
        trace += "Stack Trace:"
        return trace

** Thrown when the generated efan code can not be compiled.
const class EfanCompilationErr : EfanErr, SrcCodeErr {
    const override SrcCodeSnippet   srcCode
    const override Int              errLineNo
    const override Int              linesOfPadding

    internal new make(SrcCodeSnippet srcCode, Int errLineNo, Str errMsg, Int linesOfPadding, Err cause) : super(errMsg, cause) {
        this.srcCode = srcCode
        this.errLineNo = errLineNo
        this.linesOfPadding = linesOfPadding
    ** Creates a new 'EfanCompilationErr', appending the given msg to end of the err msg.
    EfanCompilationErr withXtraMsg(Str xtraMsg) {
        EfanCompilationErr(srcCode, errLineNo, this.msg + xtraMsg, linesOfPadding, cause)
    override Str toStr() {
        trace := "\n${}:\n"
        trace += toSnippetStr
        trace += "Stack Trace:"
        return trace

** Wraps any Errs thrown when rendering an efan template. 
const class EfanRuntimeErr : EfanErr, SrcCodeErr {
    const override SrcCodeSnippet   srcCode
    const override Int              errLineNo
    const override Int              linesOfPadding

    internal new make(SrcCodeSnippet srcCode, Int errLineNo, Str errMsg, Int linesOfPadding, Err cause) : super(errMsg, cause) {
        this.srcCode = srcCode
        this.errLineNo = errLineNo
        this.linesOfPadding = linesOfPadding
    ** Creates a new 'EfanRuntimeErr', appending the given msg to end of the err msg.
    EfanRuntimeErr withXtraMsg(Str xtraMsg) {
        EfanRuntimeErr(srcCode, errLineNo, this.msg + xtraMsg, linesOfPadding, cause)

    override Str toStr() {
        trace := "\n${}:\n"
        trace += toSnippetStr
        trace += "Stack Trace:"
        return trace