using afIoc
using afReflux
using gfx
using fwt
using afBeanUtils
using fandoc::FandocParser
using web::WebOutStream
using compilerDoc

** (View) - A viewer for '.fandoc' files. 
class FandocViewer : HtmlViewer {
    private Str[]       podNames

    protected new make(|This| in) : super(in) {
        // BugFix: Pod.list throws an Err if any pod is invalid (wrong dependencies etc) 
        // this way we don't even load the pod into memory!
        podNames = Env.cur().findAllPodNames
    override Bool reuseView(Resource resource) {
        // open new tabs for different types of resources
        this.resource?.typeof == resource.typeof
    ** Hook for subclasses to convert the resource into either a URI or a Str.
    ** Returns 'resource.uri' by default.
    override Obj resolveResource(Resource resource) {
        if (resource is FileResource) {
            file    := (resource as FileResource).file
            fandoc  := file.readAllStr
            html    := fandocToHtml(fandoc, resource.uri)
            return html
        if (resource is FandocResource) {
            return toHtml(resource)

        throw Err("Unknown resource: $resource")
    override Void refresh(Resource? resource := null) {
        if (resource == null || resource == this.resource) {
            // the browser doesn't like refreshing a string, so we regenerate the HTML 
            if (this.resource is FileResource || this.resource is FandocResource) {
            } else
    override protected Void onLoad(Event event) {
        id := resource.uri.path.getSafe(2)
        if (resource is FandocResource && id != null)

    override protected Uri normaliseBrowserUrl(Uri resourceUri, Uri url) {
        if (resourceUri.path.size > 2)
            resourceUri = `fandoc:/` + resourceUri.path[0..<2].join("/").toUri
        return super.normaliseBrowserUrl(resourceUri, url)

    private static Str fandocToHtml(Str fandoc, Uri? base := null) {
        writer  := FandocWriter(base)
        doc     := FandocParser().parseStr(fandoc)
        return writer.toHtml
    // ---- Ripped from Fandoc Viewer ----
    private static const FandocEnv  docEnv  := FandocEnv()

    private Str toHtml(FandocResource resource) {
        isTopIndex := (resource.uri.path.isEmpty) 
        doc := isTopIndex ? topIndex : loadFrom(resource.uri)
        // Renders the `compilerDoc::Doc` to a HTML Str.
        buff    := StrBuf()
        webOut  := WebOutStream(buff.out)
        render  := (DocRenderer) doc.renderer.make([docEnv, webOut, doc])
        return buff.toStr
    private Doc topIndex() {
        DocTopIndex() {
            it.spaces = { 
    private Doc loadFrom(Uri uri) {
        podFile := Env.cur.findPodFile(uri.path[0])
        // we get a nice 'Pod file not found err' is pod doesn't exist
        docPod  := DocPod.load(podFile)
        doc     := docPod.doc(uri.path[1], false)
        if (doc == null) {
            docNames := [,]
            docPod.eachDoc { docNames.add(it.docName) }
            throw ArgNotFoundErr("Doc not found - ${}::${uri.path[1]}", docNames)
        return doc