sys::Obj afFancomSapi::ISpeechGrammarRuleStateTransition
Returns data about a transition from one rule state to another, or from a rule state to the end of a rule.
@clsid {CAFD1DB1-41D1-4A06-9863-E2E81DA17A9A}
- makeFromDispatch
new makeFromDispatch(Dispatch dispatch)
- nextState
ISpeechGrammarRuleState? nextState { private set }
Specifies the rule state to which the transition leads.
- propertyId
Int? propertyId { private set }
Specifies the Id of a property contained in a semantic tag.
- propertyName
Str? propertyName { private set }
Specifies the name of a property contained in a semantic tag.
- propertyValue
Variant propertyValue { private set }
Returns the value of a property contained in a semantic tag.
- rule
ISpeechGrammarRule? rule { private set }
Specifies the speech rule to which the transition leads.
- text
Str? text { private set }
Returns the recognition text associated with a transition.
- type
SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitionType? type { private set }
Specifies the type of the transition.
- weight
Variant weight { private set }
Assigns the transition a weight relative to its sibling transitions.