using afFancom::Dispatch
using afFancom::Variant

** Represents the part of a recognition result that returns information about the grammar rule that 
** produced the recognition.
** ``
** @clsid {A7BFE112-A4A0-48D9-B602-C313843F6964}
class ISpeechPhraseRule {
    internal Dispatch dispatch
    new makeFromDispatch(Dispatch dispatch) {
        this.dispatch = dispatch

    // ---- Properties ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ** Returns a collection of the rule's child rules.
    ISpeechPhraseRules? children {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Children").asType(ISpeechPhraseRules#) }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the confidence for the rule computed by SAPI.
    SpeechEngineConfidence? confidence {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Confidence").asType(SpeechEngineConfidence#) }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the confidence score for the rule computed by the SR engine.
    Float? engineConfidence {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("EngineConfidence").asFloat }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the audio stream offset of the first phrase element in the recognition result 
    ** matched by the rule.
    Int? firstElement {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("FirstElement").asInt }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the ID of the phrase rule.
    Int? id {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Id").asInt }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the name of the phrase rule.
    Str? name {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Name").asStr }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the number of phrase elements spanned by this rule.
    Int? numberOfElements {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("NumberOfElements").asInt }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the rule's parent rule.
    ISpeechPhraseRule? parent {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Parent").asType(ISpeechPhraseRule#) }
        private set { }
