using afFancom::Dispatch
using afFancom::Variant

** Contains the time information for speech recognition results.
** ``
** @clsid {62B3B8FB-F6E7-41BE-BDCB-056B1C29EFC0}
class ISpeechRecoResultTimes {
    internal Dispatch dispatch
    new makeFromDispatch(Dispatch dispatch) {
        this.dispatch = dispatch

    // ---- Properties ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ** Returns the time length of the last recognition.
    Variant length {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Length") }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the time from the start of the stream to the start of the phrase.
    Variant offsetFromStart {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("OffsetFromStart") }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the time of the stream in Universal Coordinated Time.
    Variant streamTime {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("StreamTime") }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the elapsed time from the start of the system to the start of the current result.
    Int? tickCount {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("TickCount").asInt }
        private set { }
