using afFancom::Dispatch
using afFancom::Variant

** Supports conversion between phoneme symbols and phoneme IDs.
** ``
** @clsid {9185F743-1143-4C28-86B5-BFF14F20E5C8}
class SpPhoneConverter {
    internal Dispatch dispatch
    static const Str progId := "SAPI.SpPhoneConverter"

    new makeFromProgId() {
        this.dispatch = Dispatch.makeFromProgId(progId)
    new makeFromDispatch(Dispatch dispatch) {
        this.dispatch = dispatch

    // ---- Properties ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ** Gets and sets the language id of the converter.
    Int? languageId {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("LanguageId").asInt }
        set { dispatch.setProperty("LanguageId", it) }

    // ---- Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ** Converts an array of phoneme IDs to a string of phoneme symbols.
    Str? idToPhone(Variant? idArray) {"IdToPhone", idArray).asStr

    ** Converts a string of phoneme symbols to an array of phoneme IDs.
    Variant phoneToId(Str? phonemes) {"PhoneToId", phonemes)