using afFancom::Flag
using afFancom::Variant

** Lists the allowed lexicon types.
** ``
const class SpeechLexiconType : Flag {

    ** Indicates the user lexicon. Each Windows user has a unique user lexicon.
    ** Value is 1 (0x1)
    static const SpeechLexiconType SLTUser := SpeechLexiconType(1, "SLTUser")

    ** Indicates the application lexicon. An application lexicon is shared by all users.
    ** Value is 2 (0x2)
    static const SpeechLexiconType SLTApp := SpeechLexiconType(2, "SLTApp")

    new make(|This|? f := null) : super(f) { }
    new makeFromVariant(Variant variant) : super(variant) { }
    new makeFromDefinition(Int flag, Str? name := null) : super(flag, name) { }
