using afBedSheet** Passed to 'InputSkins' to provide all the information they need to render a form field.class SkinCtx { Obj? beanconst Field fieldinternal FormBean formBeaninternal FormField formFieldinternal Bool inErrinternal ValueEncoders valueEncodersinternalnew make(|This| in){ in(this)}** Returns the name of the field. Safe for use as a CSS class name. Str name(){}** Returns the preferred display label associated with the field. Str label(){ input.label?.toXml ?: (msg("field.${}.label") ?:}** Returns the preferred string value to be rendered in the '<input>'. Str value(){// if bean is null, check the formValue - we may have set a default! value := (bean == null) ? formField.formValue : field.get(bean)// if the bean has *any* errors, always render the formValuesreturn inErr ? (formField.formValue ?: "") : toClient(value)}** Returns the '@HtmlInput' facet on the field. HtmlInput input(){ Slot#.method("facet").callOn(field, [HtmlInput#])// Stoopid F4 }** Returns 'true' if the field is invalid. Note that if invalid, the field may not have an error msg. Bool fieldInvalid(){ formField.invalid}** Returns 'true' if the *bean* is invalid; that is, if *any* field is in error. Bool beanInvalid(){ inErr}** Returns the error message associated with this field. Str? errMsg(){ formField.errMsg.toXml}** Returns the message (if any) associated with the given key. Str? msg(Str key){ formBean._msg(key)?.toXml}** Converts the given value to a string using the preferred 'ValueEncoder'. Str toClient(Obj? value){ strVal := (formField.valueEncoder != null) ? formField.valueEncoder.toClient(value) : valueEncoders.toClient(field.type, value)return strVal.toXml}** Returns a rendered string of common attributes to be placed in the <input> HTML tag.** Note the string does *not* contain the 'type' or 'value' attributes as these are dependent on the input type.** ** The given 'extraAttributes' are merged in, allowing you to pass in extra css styles:** ** syntax: fantom** attrs := skinCtx.renderAttributes(["class" : "hot-pink"])** ** Note that empty string values are rendered as HTML5 empty attributes. Str renderAttributes([Str:Str]? extraAttributes := null){ attrs := Str:Str?[:]{it.ordered = true} attrs["id"] = name attrs["class"] = input.css attrs["name"] = name attrs["placeholder"] = input.placeholder ?: msg("field.${name}.placeholder") attrs["minLength"] = input.minLength?.toStr attrs["maxlength"] = input.maxLength?.toStr attrs["min"] = input.min?.toStr attrs["max"] = input.max?.toStr attrs["step"] = input.step?.toStr attrs["pattern"] = input.pattern attrs["required"] = input.required ? "" : nullif(input.minLength != null && input.pattern == null) attrs["pattern"] = ".{${input.minLength},}" extraAttributes?.each |v, k| { attrs[k] = (attrs[k] == null) ? v : attrs[k] + " " + v }// TODO: merge or override these attributes with what's just been processed// - don't blindly render the same attribute twice// - use Pegger to parse extra := (input.attributes == null) ? "" : " ${input.attributes}"return attrs.exclude {it == null}.join(" ") |v, k| { v.isEmpty ? k : "${k}=\"${v.toXml}\""} + extra}}