using afIoc
using afIocConfig
using afEfanXtra

** (efan component) Renders the Google Universal Analytics script.
const mixin GoogleAnalytics : EfanComponent {
    @Inject abstract Log log
    @Config { id="afGoogleAnalytics.accountNumber" }
    @Inject abstract Str accountNumber

    @Config { id="afGoogleAnalytics.accountDomain" }
    @Inject abstract Uri googleDomain

    @Config { id="" }
    @Inject abstract Uri bedSheetHost

    @Config { id="afIocEnv.isProd" }
    @Inject abstract Bool? isProd

    Bool initRender() {
        borked := false
        if (accountNumber.isEmpty) {
            log.warn("Google Analytics Account Number has not been set.\n Add the following to your AppModule's contributeApplicationDefaults() method:\n   config[${}.${}] = \"GA-ACC-NO\");")
            borked = true
        if (isProd && (accountDomain == null || accountDomain.lower.contains("localhost"))) {
            log.warn("Google Analytics Domain `${accountDomain}` is not valid'!\n Add the following to your AppModule's contributeApplicationDefaults() method:\n   config[${}.${}] = \"\");")
            borked = true
        return isProd && !borked
    Str? accountDomain() {
        return googleDomain.toStr.isEmpty ? :