** (Service) - 
** Writes Fantom objects to JSON, optionally performing pretty printing.
** Pretty printing takes more processing than basic printing, but helps debugging.
** Note Fantom entities MUST be converted to standard lists and maps BEFORE being written by 'JsonWriter'. 
const class JsonWriter {

    ** Options used for writing.
    ** Defaults to:
    ** pre>
    ** syntax: fantom
    ** [
    **     "prettyPrint"   : false,
    **     "indent"        : "\t",
    **     "maxWidth"      : 80,
    **     "escapeUnicode" : true,
    ** ]
    ** <pre
    ** If enabled (default) then 'escapeUnicode' will escape all characters over 0x7F using '\uXXXX' notation.
    const Str:Obj? options
    ** Creates a 'JsonWriter' with the default pretty printing options.
    ** 'options' may be a map of values or just 'true' to enable pretty printing with defaults. 
    ** If 'null' then the default is to NOT pretty print.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   writer := JsonWriter()
    **   writer := JsonWriter(true)
    **   writer := JsonWriter(["prettyPrint":true, "indent":"  "])
    new make(Obj? options := null) {
        this.options = _consolidateOpts(["prettyPrint":false, "indent":"\t", "maxWidth":80], options)           
    ** Convenience for serialising the given Fantom object to JSON.
    ** 'options' may be a map of values or just 'true' to enable pretty printing with defaults. 
    ** If 'null' then it defaults to the class default.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   json := jsonWriter.writeJson(jsonObj)
    **   json := jsonWriter.writeJson(jsonObj, true)
    **   json := jsonWriter.writeJson(jsonObj, ["prettyPrint":true, "indent":"  "])
    Str writeJson(Obj? obj, Obj? options := null) {
        opts := _consolidateOpts(this.options, options)
        buf  := StrBuf()
        writeJsonToStream(obj, buf.out, opts)
        return buf.toStr

    ** Write the given object as JSON to this stream.
    ** The obj must be one of the following:
    **   - 'null'
    **   - 'Bool'
    **   - 'Num'
    **   - 'Str'
    **   - 'Str:Obj?'
    **   - 'Obj?[]'
    ** 'options' may be a map of values or just 'true' to enable pretty printing with defaults. 
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   jsonWriter.writeJsonToStream(jsonObj, out)
    **   jsonWriter.writeJsonToStream(jsonObj, out, true)
    **   jsonWriter.writeJsonToStream(jsonObj, out, ["prettyPrint":true, "indent":"  "])
    ** The 'OutStream' is NOT closed, but is returned.
    OutStream writeJsonToStream(Obj? obj, OutStream out, Obj? options := null) {
        opts := _consolidateOpts(this.options, options)
        ctx  := JsonWriteCtx(out, opts)
        _writeJsonToStream(ctx, obj)
        return out

    ** A simple override hook to alter values *before* they are written.
    ** By default this just returns the given value.  
    virtual Obj? convertHook(Obj? val) { val }

    private static Str:Obj? _consolidateOpts(Str:Obj? defVal, Obj? options) {
        opts := defVal
        if (options != null) {
            opts =
            if (options is Bool)
                opts["prettyPrint"] = options
            else if (options is Map)
            else throw ArgErr("Options must be a Bool or a Map: $options")
        return opts
    // ---- private methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    private This _writeJsonToStream(JsonWriteCtx ctx, Obj? obj) {
        obj = convertHook(obj)
             if (obj is Str)        _writeJsonStr   (ctx, obj)
        else if (obj is Num)        _writeJsonNum   (ctx, obj)
        else if (obj is Bool)       _writeJsonBool  (ctx, obj)
        else if (obj is Map)        _writeJsonMap   (ctx, obj)
        else if (obj is List)       _writeJsonList  (ctx, obj)
        else if (obj is JsLiteral)  _writeJsonLit   (ctx, obj)
        else if (obj == null)       _writeJsonNull  (ctx)
        else throw IOErr("Unknown JSON object: ${obj.typeof} - ${obj}")
        return this
    private Void _writeJsonMap(JsonWriteCtx ctx, Map map) {
        notFirst := false
        map.each |val, key| {
            if (key isnot Str) throw Err("JSON map key is not Str type: $key [$key.typeof]")
            if (notFirst) ctx.objectVal
            _writeJsonStr(ctx, key)
            _writeJsonToStream(ctx, val)
            notFirst = true

    private Void _writeJsonList(JsonWriteCtx ctx, Obj?[] array) {
        notFirst := false
        array.each |item| {
            if (notFirst) ctx.arrayItem
            _writeJsonToStream(ctx, item)
            notFirst = true

    private Void _writeJsonStr(JsonWriteCtx ctx, Str str) {
        str.each |char| {
            if (char > 0x7F && ctx.opts["escapeUnicode"] != false)

            else {
                switch (char) {
                    case '\b': ctx.writeChar('\\').writeChar('b')
                    case '\f': ctx.writeChar('\\').writeChar('f')
                    case '\n': ctx.writeChar('\\').writeChar('n')
                    case '\r': ctx.writeChar('\\').writeChar('r')
                    case '\t': ctx.writeChar('\\').writeChar('t')
                    case '\\': ctx.writeChar('\\').writeChar('\\')
                    case '"' : ctx.writeChar('\\').writeChar('"')
                    // note '/' may be escaped but doesn't have to be
                    // see
                    //case '/' : ctx.writeChar('\\').writeChar('/')
                    default  : ctx.writeChar(char)

    private Void _writeJsonLit(JsonWriteCtx ctx, JsLiteral lit) {

    private Void _writeJsonNum(JsonWriteCtx ctx, Num num) {

    private Void _writeJsonBool(JsonWriteCtx ctx, Bool bool) {

    private Void _writeJsonNull(JsonWriteCtx ctx) {

internal mixin JsonWriteCtx {
    static new make(OutStream out, Str:Obj? opts) {
        opts["prettyPrint"] == true
            ? JsonWriteCtxPretty(out, opts)
            : JsonWriteCtxUgly(out, opts)
    abstract This valueStart()
    abstract This print(Obj s)
    abstract This writeChar(Int char)
    abstract This valueEnd()
    abstract Void arrayStart()
    abstract Void arrayItem()
    abstract Void arrayEnd()

    abstract Void objectStart()
    abstract Void objectKey()
    abstract Void objectVal()
    abstract Void objectEnd()

    abstract Void finalise()
    abstract Str:Obj? opts()

internal class JsonWriteCtxPretty : JsonWriteCtx {
    private OutStream       out
    private Int             indent      := 0
    override Str:Obj?       opts
    private JsonValWriter?  last
    private JsonValWriter[] valWriters  := JsonValWriter[,]

    new make(OutStream out, Str:Obj? opts) {
        this.out    = out
        this.opts   = opts
    override This print(Obj s) {
        return this
    override This writeChar(Int ch) {
        return this

    override This valueStart()  { valWriters.push(JsonValWriterLit(opts)); return this }
    override This valueEnd()    { writerEnd }
    override Void arrayStart()  { valWriters.push(JsonValWriterList(opts)) }
    override Void arrayItem()   { }
    override Void arrayEnd()    { writerEnd }
    override Void objectStart() { valWriters.push(JsonValWriterMap(opts)) }
    override Void objectKey()   { }
    override Void objectVal()   { }
    override Void objectEnd()   { writerEnd }
    override Void finalise()    { out.writeChars(last.str) }
    private This writerEnd() {
        last = valWriters.pop
        peek := valWriters.peek
        return this

internal abstract class JsonValWriter {
    Str:Obj?        opts

    new make(Str:Obj? opts) {
        this.opts   = opts
    virtual  Void writeJson(Obj ob) { throw Err("WTF?") }
    virtual  Void writeChar(Int ch) { throw Err("WTF?") }
    virtual  Void add(Str item)     { throw Err("WTF?") }
    abstract Str  str()

internal class JsonValWriterLit : JsonValWriter {
    private StrBuf  value   := StrBuf(32)
    new make(Str:Obj? opts) : super(opts) { }

    override Void writeJson(Obj ob) { value.add(ob) }
    override Void writeChar(Int ch) { value.addChar(ch) }
    override Str str()              { value.toStr       }

internal class JsonValWriterList : JsonValWriter {
    private Int     size    := 1
    private Str[]   list    := Str[,]
    private Str     indent
    private Int     maxWidth

    new make(Str:Obj? opts) : super(opts) {
        maxWidth = opts["maxWidth"]
        indent   = opts["indent"]

    override Void add(Str item) {
        size += item.size + 2

    override Str str() {
        size -= 2
        size += 1
        if (size > maxWidth) {
            // bufSize is only approx unless we start counting the lines in items
            bufSize := size + (list.size * indent.size * 2)
            json := StrBuf(bufSize)
            list.each |item, i| {
                lines := item.splitLines
                lines.each |line, j| {
                    if (j < lines.size-1)
                if (i < list.size - 1)
            return json.toStr
        } else
            return "[" + list.join(", ") + "]"

internal class JsonValWriterMap : JsonValWriter {   
    private Str[]   keys        := Str[,]
    private Str[]   vals        := Str[,]
    private Int     size        := 1
    private Int     maxKeySize  := 0
    private Int     maxValSize  := 0
    private Str     indent
    private Int     maxWidth

    new make(Str:Obj? opts) : super(opts) {
        maxWidth = opts["maxWidth"]
        indent   = opts["indent"]

    override Void add(Str item) {
        (keys.size > vals.size ? vals : keys).add(item)
        size += item.size + 2
        if (keys.size > vals.size)
            maxKeySize = maxKeySize.max(item.size)
            maxValSize = maxValSize.max(item.size)

    override Str str() {
        size -= 2
        size += 1
        maxKeySize := maxKeySize + 1
        if (size > maxWidth) {
            // bufSize is only approx unless we start counting the lines in vals
            bufSize := (keys.size * maxKeySize) + (vals.size * maxValSize) + (keys.size * indent.size * 2)
            json := StrBuf(bufSize)
            keys.each |key, i| {
                val := vals[i]
                json.addChar(' ')
                lines := val.splitLines
                if (lines.size > 1)
                    lines.eachRange(1..-1) |line, j| {
                if (i < keys.size - 1)
            return json.toStr

        } else {
            json := StrBuf(size)
            keys.each |key, i| {
                val := vals[i]
                json.add(key).addChar(JsonToken.colon).addChar(' ').add(val)
                if (i < keys.size - 1)
                    json.addChar(JsonToken.comma).addChar(' ')
            return json.toStr

internal class JsonWriteCtxUgly : JsonWriteCtx {
    private OutStream   out
    override Str:Obj?   opts

    new make(OutStream out, Str:Obj? opts) {
        this.out    = out
        this.opts   = opts
    override This print(Obj s) {
        return this
    override This writeChar(Int char) {
        return this
    override This valueStart()      { this                                  }
    override This valueEnd()        { this                                  }
    override Void arrayStart()      { out.writeChar(JsonToken.arrayStart)   }
    override Void arrayItem()       { out.writeChar(JsonToken.comma)        }
    override Void arrayEnd()        { out.writeChar(JsonToken.arrayEnd)     }

    override Void objectStart()     { out.writeChar(JsonToken.objectStart)  }
    override Void objectKey()       { out.writeChar(JsonToken.colon)        }
    override Void objectVal()       { out.writeChar(JsonToken.comma)        }
    override Void objectEnd()       { out.writeChar(JsonToken.objectEnd)    }

    override Void finalise()        {                                       }
