** Passed to 'BsonConvs' to give context on what they're converting.
class BsonConvCtx {
    BsonConvCtx?        parent      { private set }
          Type          type        { private set }
    const Bool          isField
    const Field?        field
    const BsonProp?     bsonProperty
          Obj?          obj         { private set }
    const Bool          isMap
    const Obj?          mapKey
          Map?          map         { private set }
    const Bool          isList
    const Int?          listIdx
          List?         list        { private set }

          Str:Obj?      options
          BsonConvs     converters  { private set }

    private new make(|This| f) { f(this) }

    internal new makeTop(BsonConvs converters, Type type, Obj? obj, Str:Obj? options) {
        this.converters = converters
        this.type       = type
        this.obj        = obj
        this.options    = options

    This makeField(Type type, Field field, BsonProp? bsonProperty, Obj? obj) {
        // pass type, because the impl type may be different to the defined field.type
        BsonConvCtx {
            it.parent       = this
            it.type         = type
            it.isField      = true
            it.field        = field
            it.bsonProperty = bsonProperty
            it.obj          = obj
            it.converters   = this.converters
            it.options      = this.options

    This makeMap(Type type, Map map, Obj key, Obj? obj) {
        BsonConvCtx {
            it.parent       = this
            it.type         = type
            it.isMap        = true
            = map
            it.mapKey       = key
            it.obj          = obj
            it.converters   = this.converters
            it.options      = this.options

    This makeList(Type type, List list, Int idx, Obj? obj) {
        BsonConvCtx {
            it.parent       = this
            it.type         = type
            it.isList       = true
            it.list         = list
            it.listIdx      = idx
            it.obj          = obj
            it.converters   = this.converters
            it.options      = this.options

    Bool isTopLevel() {
        parent == null
    ** Uses *this* context to convert 'this.obj'.
    Obj? toBsonVal() {
        converters._toBsonCtx(obj, this)

    ** Uses *this* context to convert 'this.obj'.
    Obj? fromBsonVal() {
        converters._fromBsonCtx(obj, this)
    ** Replace 'type' with a more specific subclass type.
    Void replaceType(Type newType) {
        if (!newType.fits(type))
            throw Err("Replacement types must be a Subtype: $newType -> $type")
        this.type = newType
    // ---- Option Functions ----
    ** Creates an empty *ordered* bson object. 
    @NoDoc Str:Obj? makeBsonObjFn() {
        ((|BsonConvCtx->Str:Obj?|) options["makeBsonObjFn"])(this)

    ** Creates an Entity instance. 
    @NoDoc Obj? makeEntityFn(Field:Obj? fieldVals) {
        ((|Type, Field:Obj?, BsonConvCtx->Obj?|) options["makeEntityFn"])(this.type, fieldVals, this)

    ** Creates an empty map for Fantom.
    @NoDoc Obj:Obj? makeMapFn() {
        ((|Type,BsonConvCtx->Obj:Obj?|) options["makeMapFn"])(this.type, this)
    ** This is called *before* any 'bsonVal' is converted. 
    @NoDoc Obj? fromBsonHookFn(Obj? bsonVal) {
        ((|Obj?, BsonConvCtx->Obj?|?) options["fromBsonHookFn"])?.call(bsonVal, this) ?: bsonVal
    ** This is called *before* any 'fantomObj' is converted. 
    @NoDoc Obj? toBsonHookFn(Obj? fantomObj) {
        ((|Obj?, BsonConvCtx->Obj?|?) options["toBsonHookFn"])?.call(fantomObj, this) ?: fantomObj
    ** Returns the 'BsonPropCache'.
    @NoDoc BsonPropCache optBsonPropCache() {
    ** Returns strict mode.
    @NoDoc Bool optStrictMode() {
        options.get("strictMode", false)
    @NoDoc Bool optPickleMode() {
        if (options.get("pickleMode", false) == true)
            return true
        if (bsonProperty?.pickleMode == true)
            return true
        if (parent != null)
            return parent.optPickleMode
        return false
    ** Do we store null fields in the DB?
    @NoDoc Bool optStoreNullFields() {
        options.get("storeNullFields", false)