using afMongo::MongoConnMgr
using afMongo::MongoConnUrl
using afMongo::MongoDb
using afMongo::MongoQ
using afMongo::MongoClient
using afBson::BsonIO
** (Service) -
** Mongo to Fantom Object Mapping.
const class Morphia {
** The underlying connection manager.
const MongoConnMgr connMgr
** The Object-Relational-Mapping converters.
const BsonConvs bsonConvs
** The name of the database (if defined).
const Str? dbName
** The referenced database (if defined).
const MongoDb? db
** Creates a new Morphia instance.
new make(Uri connectionUrl, BsonConvs? bsonConvs := null, Str? dbName := null, Log? log := null) {
this.connMgr = MongoConnMgr(connectionUrl, log).startup
this.bsonConvs = bsonConvs ?: BsonConvs()
this.dbName = dbName ?: connMgr.mongoConnUrl.dbName
this.db = this.dbName == null ? null : MongoDb(connMgr, this.dbName)
// print the logo
new makeWithConnMgr(MongoConnMgr connMgr, BsonConvs? bsonConvs := null, Str? dbName := null) {
this.connMgr = connMgr.startup
this.bsonConvs = bsonConvs ?: BsonConvs()
this.dbName = dbName ?: connMgr.mongoConnUrl.dbName
this.db = this.dbName == null ? null : MongoDb(connMgr, this.dbName)
// given this is advanced us - no need for the logo
** Convenience / shorthand notation for 'datastore(name)'
Datastore get(Type entityType) {
** Creates a new 'Datastore' instance for the given entity type.
Datastore datastore(Type entityType) {
DatastoreImpl(entityType, connMgr, bsonConvs, dbName)
** Converts the given Fantom object to its BSON object representation.
[Str:Obj?]? toBsonDoc(Obj? fantomObj) {
** Converts a BSON object to the given Fantom type.
Obj? fromBsonDoc([Str:Obj?]? bsonObj, Type? fantomType) {
bsonConvs.fromBsonDoc(bsonObj, fantomType)
** Creates a 'MongoQ' instance that's adapted to query Morphia entities.
MongoQ query() {
MongoQ(#nameHook.func) { bsonConvs.toBsonVal(it) }
** Converts the given entity / object to BSON and pretty prints it.
Str prettyPrint(Obj? entity, Int? maxWidth := null, Str? indent := null) {
BsonIO().print(bsonConvs.toBsonVal(entity), maxWidth, indent)
** Convenience for 'MongoConnMgr.shutdown()'.
Void shutdown() {
private static Str nameHook(Obj name) {
fieldName := name as Str
if (name is Field) {
field := (Field) name
// we can't check if the field belongs to an Entity (think nested objects)
property := (BsonProp?) field.facet(BsonProp#, false)
fieldName = property?.name ?:
if (fieldName == null)
throw ArgErr("Key must be a Field or Str: ${name.typeof.qname} - ${name}")
return fieldName