** Drone config in the Application category.
** App config encapsulates config an application may require. 
** Create a new application by means of:
**   syntax: fantom
**"My App Name")
** Future code may then access the same app by **not** passing an app name:
**   syntax: fantom
** = true
const class DroneAppConfig {
    private const Log                   log     := Drone#.pod.log
    private const DroneSessionConfig    config
    ** Creates a wrapper around the given drone.
    ** Internal because we need to keep track of the multi-config IDs 
    internal new make(DroneSessionConfig config, Bool reReadConfig := true) {
        this.config = config
        if (reReadConfig)

    // ---- Identity ----
    ** The current application ID.
    ** Corresponds to the 'CUSTOM:application_id' configuration key.
    Str id {
        get { getConfig("CUSTOM:application_id") }
        private set { }
    ** The current application's name.
    ** Corresponds to the 'CUSTOM:application_desc' configuration key.
    Str name {
        get { getConfig("CUSTOM:application_desc") }
        private set { }
    ** Deletes this application data from the drone.
    Void deleteMe() {
        id := id
        if (id == "00000000") {
            log.warn("Will not delete default data!")   // don't know what might happen if we try this!?

    ** Deletes **ALL** application data from the drone.
    ** Use with caution.
    Void deleteAll() {
        log.warn("Deleting ALL application data!")

    // ---- Other Cmds ----

    ** When using 'navDataDemo', this configuration allows the application to ask for other navData packets.
    ** Use the flag values of the `NavOption` enum to add / or flags values together. Example:
    **   syntax: fantom
    ** = NavOption.demo.flag + NavOption.visionDetect.flag 
    ** To receive all option data:
    **   syntax: fantom
    ** = 0x0FFF_FFFF
    ** Corresponds to the 'GENERAL:navdata_options' configuration key.
    Int navDataOptions {
        get { getConfig("GENERAL:navdata_options").toInt }
        set { setConfig("GENERAL:navdata_options", it.toStr) }

    ** If 'true' then roll commands ('moveLeft()' & 'moveRight()') generate roll + yaw based turns 
    ** so the drone banks like an aeroplane. This is an easier control mode for racing games.
    ** To activate the combined yaw mode, you must set both the bit 1 of the control_level 
    ** configuration, and the bit 1 of the function parameters.
    ** Note : This configuration does not need to be changed to use the new Absolute Control mode. 
    ** Corresponds to the 'CONTROL:control_level' configuration key.
    Bool combinedYawMode {
        get { getConfig("CONTROL:control_level").toInt.and(0x02) > 0 }
        set { setConfig("CONTROL:control_level", (it ? 0x02 : 0).or(0x01).toStr) }
    ** Sets the bitrate of the video transmission (kilobits per second) when 'videoBitrateControlMode'
    ** is set to 'MANUAL'. Typical values range from 500 to 4000 kbps.
    ** Corresponds to the 'VIDEO:bitrate' configuration key.
    Int videoBitrate {
        get { getConfig("VIDEO:bitrate").toInt }
        set { setConfig("VIDEO:bitrate", it.toStr) }        
    ** Enables the automatic bitrate control of the video stream. Enabling this configuration reduces 
    ** bandwidth used by the video stream under bad Wi-Fi conditions, reducing the commands latency.
    **   0 = DISABLED - Bitrate set to videoMaxBitrate session config
    **   1 = DYNAMIC  - Video bitrate varies between [250 - videoMaxBitrate] kbps
    **   2 = MANUAL   - Video stream bitrate is fixed to videoBitrate
    ** Corresponds to the 'VIDEO:bitrate_control_mode' configuration key.
    Int videoBitrateControlMode {
        get { getConfig("VIDEO:bitrate_control_mode", false)?.toInt ?: 0}
        set { setConfig("VIDEO:bitrate_control_mode", it.toStr) }       

    ** The bitrate (kilobits per second) of the recording stream, both for USB and WiFi record.
    ** Corresponds to the 'VIDEO:bitrate_storage' configuration key.
    Int videoBitrateStorage {
        get { getConfig("VIDEO:bitrate_storage").toInt }
        private set { }     
    ** Dumps all fields to debug string.
    Str dump(Bool dumpToStdOut := true) {
        fields := typeof.fields.findAll { it.isPublic && it.parent == this.typeof }
        names  := (Str[]) { }
        width  := names.max |p1, p2| { p1.size <=> p2.size }.size
        values := |field, i| { names[i].padr(width, '.') + "..." + field.get(this).toStr }
        dump   := values.join("\n")
        dump    = "APP CONFIG\n==========\n" + dump + "\n\n"
        if (dumpToStdOut)
        return dump
    override Str toStr() { dump }

    private Str? getConfig(Str key, Bool checked := true) {
        config.drone.configMap[key] ?: (checked ? throw UnknownKeyErr(key) : null)
    private Void setConfig(Str key, Str val) {
        config._config.sendMultiConfig(key, val)
        config.drone._updateConfig(key, val)