using concurrent::ActorPool
using concurrent::Actor
using concurrent::AtomicBool
using concurrent::AtomicRef
using afConcurrent::Synchronized
using afConcurrent::AtomicMap

** The main interface to the Parrot AR Drone 2.0.
** Once the drone has been disconnected, this class instance can not be re-connected. 
** Instead create a new 'Drone' instance.
const class Drone {
    private const   Log             log                 := Drone#.pod.log
    private const   AtomicRef       navDataRef          := AtomicRef()
    private const   AtomicRef       exitStrategyRef     := AtomicRef(
    private const   AtomicRef       onNavDataRef        := AtomicRef()
    private const   AtomicRef       onStateChangeRef    := AtomicRef()
    private const   AtomicRef       onBatterDrainRef    := AtomicRef()
    private const   AtomicRef       onEmergencyRef      := AtomicRef()
    private const   AtomicRef       onBatteryLowRef     := AtomicRef()
    private const   AtomicRef       onDisconnectRef     := AtomicRef()
    private const   AtomicRef       onVideoFrameRef     := AtomicRef()
    private const   AtomicRef       droneVersionRef     := AtomicRef()
    private const   AtomicBool      connectedRef        := AtomicBool(false)
    private const   AtomicMap       configMapRef        := AtomicMap { it.keyType = Str#; it.valType = Str#; it.caseInsensitive = true }
    private const   DroneConfig     configRef           := DroneConfig(this)
    private const   Synchronized    eventThread
    private const   CmdSender       cmdSender
    private const   NavDataReader   navDataReader
    private const   ControlReader   controlReader
    private const   VideoReader     videoReader
    private const   |->|            shutdownHook

    ** The 'ActorPool' responsible for controlling all the threads handled by this drone.
    @NoDoc  const   ActorPool       actorPool
    ** The version of the drone, as reported by an FTP of 'version.txt'.
                    Version?        droneVersion {
                        get { droneVersionRef.val }
                        private set { droneVersionRef.val = it }
    ** The network configuration as passed to the ctor.
            const   NetworkConfig       networkConfig
    ** Returns the latest Nav Data or 'null' if not connected.
    ** Note that this instance always contains a culmination of all the latest nav options received.
                    NavData?        navData {
                        get { navDataRef.val }
                        private set { navDataRef.val = it }
    ** Returns the current flight state of the Drone.
                    FlightState?    flightState {
                        get { navData?.demoData?.flightState }
                        private set { }
    ** Should this 'Drone' class instance disconnect from the drone whilst it is flying (or the VM 
    ** otherwise exits) then this strategy governs what last commands should be sent to the drone 
    ** before it exits.
    ** (It's a useful feature I wish I'd implemented before the time my program crashed and I 
    ** watched my drone sail up, up, and away, over the tree line!)
    ** Defaults to 'land'.
    ** Note this can not guard against a forced process kill or a 'kill -9' command. 
                    ExitStrategy    exitStrategy {
                        get { exitStrategyRef.val }
                        set { exitStrategyRef.val = it }
    ** Event hook that's notified when the drone sends new NavData.
    ** Expect the function to be called many times a second.
    ** The nav data is raw from the drone so does **not** contain a culmination of all option data.
    ** Note 'Drone.navData' is updated with the new contents before the hook is called.
    ** Throws 'NotImmutableErr' if the function is not immutable.
    ** Note this hook is called from a different Actor / thread to the one that sets it. 
                    |NavData, Drone|?   onNavData {
                        get { onNavDataRef.val }
                        set { onNavDataRef.val = it?.toImmutable }

    ** Event hook that's called when the drone's state is changed.
    ** Throws 'NotImmutableErr' if the function is not immutable.
    ** Note this hook is called from a different Actor / thread to the one that sets it. 
                    |FlightState state, Drone|? onStateChange {
                        get { onStateChangeRef.val }
                        set { onStateChangeRef.val = it?.toImmutable }

    ** Event hook that's called when the drone's battery loses a percentage of charge.
    ** The function is called with the new battery percentage level (0 - 100).
    ** Throws 'NotImmutableErr' if the function is not immutable.
    ** Note this hook is called from a different Actor / thread to the one that sets it. 
                    |Int newPercentage, Drone|? onBatteryDrain {
                        get { onBatterDrainRef.val }
                        set { onBatterDrainRef.val = it?.toImmutable }

    ** Event hook that's called when the drone enters emergency mode.
    ** When this happens, the engines are cut and the drone will not respond to commands until 
    ** emergency mode is cleared.
    ** Note this hook is only called when the drone is flying.
    ** Throws 'NotImmutableErr' if the function is not immutable.
    ** Note this hook is called from a different Actor / thread to the one that sets it. 
                    |Drone|?    onEmergency {
                        get { onEmergencyRef.val }
                        set { onEmergencyRef.val = it?.toImmutable }

    ** Event hook that's called when the drone's battery reaches a critical level ~ 20%.
    ** Throws 'NotImmutableErr' if the function is not immutable.
    ** Note this hook is called from a different Actor / thread to the one that sets it. 
                    |Drone|?    onBatteryLow {
                        get { onBatteryLowRef.val }
                        set { onBatteryLowRef.val = it?.toImmutable }

    ** Event hook that's called when the drone is disconnected.
    ** The 'abnormal' boolean is set to 'true' if the drone is disconnected due to a communication 
    ** / socket error. This may happen if the battery drains too low or the drone is switched off.
    ** Throws 'NotImmutableErr' if the function is not immutable.
    ** Note this hook is called from a different Actor / thread to the one that sets it. 
                    |Bool abnormal, Drone|? onDisconnect {
                        get { onDisconnectRef.val }
                        set { onDisconnectRef.val = it?.toImmutable }

    ** Event hook that's called when video frame is received. (On Drone TCP port 5555.)
    ** The payload is a raw frame from the H.264 codec.
    ** Setting this hook instructs the drone to start streaming video. 
    ** Setting this to 'null' instructs the drone to stop streaming video.
    ** Throws 'NotImmutableErr' if the function is not immutable.
    ** Note this hook is called from a different Actor / thread to the one that sets it. 
                    |Buf, PaveHeader, Drone|? onVideoFrame {
                        get { onVideoFrameRef.val }
                        set { onVideoFrameRef.val = it?.toImmutable
                            if (it == null)
                            if (it != null && !videoReader.isConnected)

    ** Creates a 'Drone' instance, optionally passing in network configuration.
    new make(NetworkConfig networkConfig := NetworkConfig()) {
        this.actorPool      = ActorPool() { = "Parrot Drone" }
        this.networkConfig  = networkConfig
        this.navDataReader  = NavDataReader(this, actorPool)
        this.controlReader  = ControlReader(this)
        this.videoReader    = VideoReader(this, networkConfig.videoPort, actorPool)
        this.cmdSender      = CmdSender(this, actorPool)
        this.eventThread    = Synchronized(actorPool)
        this.shutdownHook   = #onShutdown.func.bind([this])

    ** Sets up the socket connections to the drone. 
    ** Your device must already be connected to the drone's wifi hot spot.
    ** Whilst there is no real concept of being *connected* to a drone, 
    ** this method blocks until nav data is being received and all initiating commands have been acknowledged.
    ** If 'timeout' is 'null' it defaults to 'DroneConfig.actionTimeout'.
    This connect() {
        // we could re-use if we didn't stop the actor pool...?
        // but nah, we created it, we should destroy it
        if (actorPool.isStopped)
            throw Err("Can not re-use Drone() instances")

        videoReader  .addListener(#processVidData.func.bind([this]))


        // send me nav data please!
        cmdSender.send(Cmd.makeConfig("general:navdata_demo", "TRUE"))
        if (actorPool.isStopped)
            throw IOErr("Drone Connection Error")
        NavDataLoop.waitForAckClear (this, networkConfig.configCmdAckClearTimeout, true)
        NavDataLoop.waitUntilReady  (this, networkConfig.actionTimeout)

        try droneVersion = BareBonesFtp().readVersion(networkConfig)
        catch (Err err)
            log.warn("Could not FTP version.txt from drone\n  ${err.msg}")

        // grab some config =


        connectedRef.val = true"Connected to AR Drone ${droneVersion}")
        return this
    ** Disconnects all comms to the drone. 
    ** Performs the 'crashLandOnExit' strategy should the drone still be flying.
    ** This method blocks until it's finished.
    This disconnect(Duration timeout := 2sec) {
        _doDisconnect(false, timeout)
    ** Returns 'true' if connected to the drone.
    Bool isConnected() {
        connectedRef.val && !actorPool.isStopped
    ** Returns a read only map of the drone's raw configuration data, as read from the control 
    ** (TCP 5559) port.
    ** All config data is cached, pass a 'reRead' value of 'true' to obtain fresh data from the 
    ** drone.
    Str:Str configMap(Bool reRead := false) {
        if ((reRead || configMapRef.isEmpty) && isConnected)

    ** Returns config for the drone. Note all data is backed by the raw 'configMap'.
    DroneConfig config() {

    // ---- Misc Commands ----
    ** (Advanced) Sends the given Cmd to the drone.
    ** If a second Cmd is given, it is sent in the same UDP data packet.
    ** This method does not block.
    Void sendCmd(Cmd cmd, Cmd? cmd2 := null) {
        // FIXME have internal & public
//      if (!isConnected) return    // needed to connect
        cmdSender.send(cmd, cmd2)
    ** (Advanced) 
    ** Sends a config cmd to the drone, and blocks until it's been acknowledged.
    ** 'val' may be a Bool, Int, Float, Str, or a List of said types.
    ** For multi-config support, pass in the appropriate IDs. 
    Void sendConfig(Str key, Obj val, Str? sessionId := null, Str? userId := null, Str? appId := null) {
        if (!isConnected) return

        // see
        diff := (sessionId != null ? 1 : 0) + (userId != null ? 1 : 0) + (appId != null ? 1 : 0)
        if (diff != 0 && diff != 3)
            throw ArgErr("For multi-config support, either ALL IDs must be set or NONE - ${sessionId} : ${userId} : ${appId}")
        if (val is List)
            val = ((List) val).join(",") { encodeConfigParam(it) }
        val = encodeConfigParam(val)
        block := true
        NavDataLoop.waitForAckClear (this, networkConfig.configCmdAckClearTimeout, block)

        if (sessionId != null)
            cmdSender.send(Cmd.makeConfigIds(sessionId, userId, appId), Cmd.makeConfig(key, val))
            cmdSender.send(Cmd.makeConfig(key, val))

        NavDataLoop.waitForAck      (this, networkConfig.configCmdAckTimeout, block)
        NavDataLoop.waitForAckClear (this, networkConfig.configCmdAckClearTimeout, block)

    ** Blocks until the emergency landing flag has been cleared.
    ** If 'timeout' is 'null' it defaults to 'DroneConfig.configCmdAckTimeout'.
    Void clearEmergencyLanding(Duration? timeout := null) {
        if (!isConnected) return
        flags := navData?.flags
        if (flags?.emergencyLanding == true || flags?.userEmergencyLanding == true) {
            NavDataLoop.clearEmergency(this, timeout ?: networkConfig.configCmdAckTimeout)
    ** Sends a emergency signal which cuts off the drone's motors, causing a crash landing.
    ** If 'timeout' is 'null' it defaults to 'DroneConfig.configCmdAckTimeout'.
    Void setEmergencyLanding(Duration? timeout := null) {
        if (!isConnected) return
        if (navData?.flags?.emergencyLanding == false) {
            cmdSender.send(Cmd.makeLand, Cmd.makeEmergency)
            NavDataLoop.setEmergency(this, timeout ?: networkConfig.configCmdAckTimeout)
    ** Sets a horizontal plane reference for the drone's internal control system.
    ** Call before each flight, while making sure the drone is sitting horizontally on the ground. 
    ** Not doing so will result in the drone not being unstable.
    ** This method does not block.
    Void flatTrim() {
        if (!isConnected) return
        if (flightState != FlightState.def && flightState != FlightState.init && flightState != FlightState.landed) {
            log.warn("Can not flat trim when state is ${flightState}")

    ** Tell the drone to calibrate its magnetometer.
    ** The drone calibrates its magnetometer by spinning around itself a few times, hence can
    ** only be performed when flying.
    ** This method does not block.
    Void calibrate(Int deviceNum) {
        if (!isConnected) return
        if (flightState != FlightState.flying && flightState != FlightState.hovering) {
            log.warn("Can not calibrate magnetometer when state is ${flightState}")
    ** Plays one of the pre-configured LED animation sequences. Example:
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   drone.animateLeds(LedAnimation.snakeRed, 3sec)
    ** If 'freqInHz' is 'null' then the default frequency of the enum is used.
    ** Corresponds to the 'leds:leds_anim' config cmd.
    ** This method does not block.
    Void animateLeds(LedAnimation anim, Duration duration, Float? freqInHz := null) {
        if (!isConnected) return
        params := [anim.ordinal, (freqInHz ?: anim.defaultFrequency), duration.toSec]
        sendConfig("leds:leds_anim", params)

    ** Performs one of the pre-configured flight sequences.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   drone.animateFlight(FlightAnimation.phiDance)
    ** If duration is 'null' then the default duration of the enum is used.
    ** Corresponds to the 'control:flight_anim' config cmd.
    Void animateFlight(FlightAnimation anim, Duration? duration := null, Bool block := true) {
        if (!isConnected) return
        params  := [anim.ordinal, (duration ?: anim.defaultDuration).toMillis].join(",")    
        sendConfig("control:flight_anim", params)
        if (block)
            Actor.sleep(duration ?: anim.defaultDuration)
    // ---- Stabilising Commands ----
    ** Repeatedly sends a take off command to the drone until it reports its state as either 'hovering' or 'flying'.
    ** If 'block' is 'true' then this method blocks until a stable hover has been achieved; 
    ** which usually takes ~ 6 seconds.
    ** If 'timeout' is 'null' it defaults to 'DroneConfig.defaultTimeout'.
    Void takeOff(Bool block := true, Duration? timeout := null) {
        if (!isConnected) return
        if (flightState == null || ![FlightState.def, FlightState.init, FlightState.landed].contains(flightState)) {
            log.warn("Can not take off - flight state is already ${flightState}")
        NavDataLoop.takeOff(this, block, timeout ?: networkConfig.actionTimeout)

    ** Repeatedly sends a land command to the drone until it reports its state as 'landed'.
    ** If 'block' is 'true' then this method blocks until the drone has landed.
    ** If 'timeout' is 'null' it defaults to 'DroneConfig.defaultTimeout'.
    Void land(Bool block := true, Duration? timeout := null) {
        if (!isConnected) return
        if (flightState == null || [FlightState.def, FlightState.init, FlightState.landed, FlightState.transLanding].contains(flightState)) {
            log.warn("Can not land - flight state is already ${flightState}")
        }, block, timeout ?: networkConfig.actionTimeout)
    ** Repeatedly sends a hover command to the drone until it reports its state as 'hovering'.
    ** If 'block' is 'true' then this method blocks until the drone hovers.
    ** If 'timeout' is 'null' it defaults to 'DroneConfig.defaultTimeout'.
    Void hover(Bool block := true, Duration? timeout := null) {
        if (!isConnected) return
        if (flightState == null || [FlightState.hovering, FlightState.landed, FlightState.transLanding].contains(flightState)) {
            log.warn("Can not hover - flight state is already ${flightState}")
        // the best way to prevent this from interfering with an emergency land cmd, is to set the
        // emergency flag (to kill off any existing cmds), clear it, then hover
        NavDataLoop.hover(this, block, timeout ?: networkConfig.actionTimeout)

    // ---- Movement Commands ----

    // TODO set absolute compass position
    private const AtomicBool absoluteModeRef := AtomicBool()
    // TODO only need to set absoluteMode when turning to a compass position  
    internal Bool absoluteMode {
        get { absoluteModeRef.val }
        set { absoluteModeRef.val = it }

    private Bool combinedYawMode() {
        configMap["CONTROL:control_level"].toInt.and(0x02) > 0
    ** A combined move method encapsulating:
    **  - 'moveRight()'
    **  - 'moveBackward()'
    **  - 'moveUp()'
    **  - 'spinClickwise()'
    |->|? move(Float tiltRight, Float tiltBackward, Float verticalSpeed, Float clockwiseSpin, Duration? duration := null, Bool? block := true) {
        if (tiltRight < -1f || tiltRight > 1f)
            throw ArgErr("tiltRight must be between -1 and 1 : ${tiltRight}")
        if (tiltBackward < -1f || tiltBackward > 1f)
            throw ArgErr("tiltBackward must be between -1 and 1 : ${tiltBackward}")
        if (verticalSpeed < -1f || verticalSpeed > 1f)
            throw ArgErr("verticalSpeed must be between -1 and 1 : ${verticalSpeed}")
        if (clockwiseSpin < -1f || clockwiseSpin > 1f)
            throw ArgErr("clockwiseSpin must be between -1 and 1 : ${clockwiseSpin}")
        return doMove(Cmd.makeMove(tiltRight, tiltBackward, verticalSpeed, clockwiseSpin, combinedYawMode, absoluteMode), tiltRight, duration, block)
    ** Moves the drone vertically upwards.
    ** 'verticalSpeed' is a percentage of the maximum vertical speed and should be a value between -1 and 1.
    ** A positive value makes the drone rise in the air, a negative value makes it go down. 
    ** 'duration' is how long the drone should move for, during which the move command is resent every 'config.cmdInterval'.
    ** Movement is cancelled if 'land()' is called or an emergency flag is set. 
    ** Should 'block' be 'false', this method returns immediately and movement commands are sent in the background. 
    ** Call the returned function to cancel movement before the 'duration' interval is reached. 
    ** Calling the function after 'duration' does nothing. 
    ** pre>
    ** syntax: fantom
    ** // move the drone
    ** cancel := drone.moveUp(0.5f, 5sec, false)
    ** // wait a bit
    ** Actor.sleep(2sec) 
    ** // cancel the move
    ** cancel()
    ** <pre 
    ** If 'duration' is 'null' then the movement command is sent just the once.
    ** See config commands 'control:altitude_max', 'control:control_vz_max'.
    |->|? moveUp(Float verticalSpeed, Duration? duration := null, Bool? block := true) {
        doMove(Cmd.makeMove(0f, 0f, verticalSpeed, 0f, combinedYawMode, absoluteMode), verticalSpeed, duration, block)
    ** Moves the drone vertically downwards.
    ** 'verticalSpeed' is a percentage of the maximum vertical speed and should be a value between -1 and 1.
    ** A positive value makes the drone descend in the air, a negative value makes it go up.    
    ** 'duration' is how long the drone should move for, during which the move command is resent every 'config.cmdInterval'.
    ** Movement is cancelled if 'land()' is called or an emergency flag is set. 
    ** Should 'block' be 'false', this method returns immediately and movement commands are sent in the background. 
    ** Call the returned function to cancel movement before the 'duration' interval is reached. 
    ** Calling the function after 'duration' does nothing. 
    ** pre>
    ** syntax: fantom
    ** // move the drone
    ** cancel := drone.moveDown(0.5f, 5sec, false)
    ** // wait a bit
    ** Actor.sleep(2sec) 
    ** // cancel the move
    ** cancel()
    ** <pre 
    ** If 'duration' is 'null' then the movement command is sent just the once.
    ** See config commands 'control:altitude_min', 'control:control_vz_max'.
    |->|? moveDown(Float verticalSpeed, Duration? duration := null, Bool? block := true) {
        doMove(Cmd.makeMove(0f, 0f, -verticalSpeed, 0f, combinedYawMode, absoluteMode), verticalSpeed, duration, block)
    ** Moves the drone to the left.
    ** 'tilt' (aka *roll* or *phi*) is a percentage of the maximum inclination and should be a value between -1 and 1.
    ** A positive value makes the drone tilt to its left, thus flying leftward. A negative value makes the drone tilt to its right.
    ** 'duration' is how long the drone should move for, during which the move command is resent every 'config.cmdInterval'.
    ** Movement is cancelled if 'land()' is called or an emergency flag is set. 
    ** Should 'block' be 'false', this method returns immediately and movement commands are sent in the background. 
    ** Call the returned function to cancel movement before the 'duration' interval is reached. 
    ** Calling the function after 'duration' does nothing. 
    ** pre>
    ** syntax: fantom
    ** // move the drone
    ** cancel := drone.moveLeft(0.5f, 5sec, false)
    ** // wait a bit
    ** Actor.sleep(2sec) 
    ** // cancel the move
    ** cancel()
    ** <pre 
    ** If 'duration' is 'null' then the movement command is sent just the once.
    ** See config command 'control:euler_angle_max'.
    |->|? moveLeft(Float tilt, Duration? duration := null, Bool? block := true) {
        doMove(Cmd.makeMove(-tilt, 0f, 0f, 0f, combinedYawMode, absoluteMode), tilt, duration, block)

    ** Moves the drone to the right.
    ** The 'tilt' (aka *roll* or *phi*) is a percentage of the maximum inclination and should be a value between -1 and 1.
    ** A positive value makes the drone tilt to its right, thus flying right. A negative value makes the drone tilt to its left.
    ** 'duration' is how long the drone should move for, during which the move command is resent every 'config.cmdInterval'.
    ** Movement is cancelled if 'land()' is called or an emergency flag is set. 
    ** Should 'block' be 'false', this method returns immediately and movement commands are sent in the background. 
    ** Call the returned function to cancel movement before the 'duration' interval is reached. 
    ** Calling the function after 'duration' does nothing. 
    ** pre>
    ** syntax: fantom
    ** // move the drone
    ** cancel := drone.moveRight(0.5f, 5sec, false)
    ** // wait a bit
    ** Actor.sleep(2sec) 
    ** // cancel the move
    ** cancel()
    ** <pre 
    ** If 'duration' is 'null' then the movement command is sent just the once.
    ** See config command 'control:euler_angle_max'.
    |->|? moveRight(Float tilt, Duration? duration := null, Bool? block := true) {
        doMove(Cmd.makeMove(tilt, 0f, 0f, 0f, combinedYawMode, absoluteMode), tilt, duration, block)        
    ** Moves the drone forward.
    ** The 'tilt' (aka *pitch* or *theta*) is a percentage of the maximum inclination and should be a value between -1 and 1.
    ** A positive value makes the drone drop its nose, thus flying forward. A negative value makes the drone tilt back.
    ** 'duration' is how long the drone should move for, during which the move command is resent every 'config.cmdInterval'.
    ** Movement is cancelled if 'land()' is called or an emergency flag is set. 
    ** Should 'block' be 'false', this method returns immediately and movement commands are sent in the background. 
    ** Call the returned function to cancel movement before the 'duration' interval is reached. 
    ** Calling the function after 'duration' does nothing. 
    ** pre>
    ** syntax: fantom
    ** // move the drone
    ** cancel := drone.moveForward(0.5f, 5sec, false)
    ** // wait a bit
    ** Actor.sleep(2sec) 
    ** // cancel the move
    ** cancel()
    ** <pre 
    ** If 'duration' is 'null' then the movement command is sent just the once.
    ** See config command 'control:euler_angle_max'.
    |->|? moveForward(Float tilt, Duration? duration := null, Bool? block := true) {
        doMove(Cmd.makeMove(0f, -tilt, 0f, 0f, combinedYawMode, absoluteMode), tilt, duration, block)

    ** Moves the drone backward.
    ** The 'tilt' (aka *pitch* or *theta*) is a percentage of the maximum inclination and should be a value between -1 and 1.
    ** A positive value makes the drone raise its nose, thus flying forward. A negative value makes the drone tilt forward.
    ** 'duration' is how long the drone should move for, during which the move command is resent every 'config.cmdInterval'.
    ** Movement is cancelled if 'land()' is called or an emergency flag is set. 
    ** Should 'block' be 'false', this method returns immediately and movement commands are sent in the background. 
    ** Call the returned function to cancel movement before the 'duration' interval is reached. 
    ** Calling the function after 'duration' does nothing. 
    ** pre>
    ** syntax: fantom
    ** // move the drone
    ** cancel := drone.moveBackward(0.5f, 5sec, false)
    ** // wait a bit
    ** Actor.sleep(2sec) 
    ** // cancel the move
    ** cancel()
    ** <pre 
    ** If 'duration' is 'null' then the movement command is sent just the once.
    ** See config command 'control:euler_angle_max'.
    |->|? moveBackward(Float tilt, Duration? duration := null, Bool? block := true) {
        doMove(Cmd.makeMove(0f, tilt, 0f, 0f, combinedYawMode, absoluteMode), tilt, duration, block)
    ** Spins the drone clockwise.
    ** The 'angularSpeed' (aka *yaw*) is a percentage of the maximum angular speed and should be a value between -1 and 1.
    ** A positive value makes the drone spin clockwise; a negative value makes it spin anti-clockwise.
    ** 'duration' is how long the drone should move for, during which the move command is resent every 'config.cmdInterval'.
    ** Movement is cancelled if 'land()' is called or an emergency flag is set. 
    ** Should 'block' be 'false', this method returns immediately and movement commands are sent in the background. 
    ** Call the returned function to cancel movement before the 'duration' interval is reached. 
    ** Calling the function after 'duration' does nothing. 
    ** pre>
    ** syntax: fantom
    ** // move the drone
    ** cancel := drone.spinClockwise(0.5f, 5sec, false)
    ** // wait a bit
    ** Actor.sleep(2sec) 
    ** // cancel the move
    ** cancel()
    ** <pre 
    ** If 'duration' is 'null' then the movement command is sent just the once.
    ** See config command 'control:control_yaw'.
    |->|? spinClockwise(Float angularSpeed, Duration? duration := null, Bool? block := true) {
        doMove(Cmd.makeMove(0f, 0f, 0f, angularSpeed, combinedYawMode, absoluteMode), angularSpeed, duration, block)
    ** Spins the drone anti-clockwise.
    ** The 'angularSpeed' (aka *yaw*) is a percentage of the maximum angular speed and should be a value between -1 and 1.
    ** A positive value makes the drone spin anti-clockwise; a negative value makes it spin clockwise.
    ** 'duration' is how long the drone should move for, during which the move command is resent every 'config.cmdInterval'.
    ** Movement is cancelled if 'land()' is called or an emergency flag is set. 
    ** Should 'block' be 'false', this method returns immediately and movement commands are sent in the background. 
    ** Call the returned function to cancel movement before the 'duration' interval is reached. 
    ** Calling the function after 'duration' does nothing. 
    ** pre>
    ** syntax: fantom
    ** // move the drone
    ** cancel := drone.spinAntiClockwise(0.5f, 5sec, false)
    ** // wait a bit
    ** Actor.sleep(2sec) 
    ** // cancel the move
    ** cancel()
    ** <pre 
    ** If 'duration' is 'null' then the movement command is sent just the once.
    ** See config command 'control:control_yaw'.
    Void spinAntiClockwise(Float angularSpeed, Duration? duration := null, Bool? block := true) {
        doMove(Cmd.makeMove(0f, 0f, 0f, -angularSpeed, combinedYawMode, absoluteMode), angularSpeed, duration, block)
    // ---- Private Stuff ----
    internal This _doDisconnect(Bool abnormal, Duration timeout := 2sec) {

        if (actorPool.isStopped) return this

        // set connectedRef AFTER we've called the shutdown hook
        connectedRef.val = false


        // call handlers from a different thread so they don't block
        eventThread.async |->| {
            callSafe(onDisconnect, [abnormal, this])
        if (!abnormal)  // don't block internal threads
            actorPool.join(timeout)"Disconnected from Drone")
        return this
    internal Void _addNavDataListener(|NavData| f) {

    internal Void _removeNavDataListener(|NavData| f) {
    internal Void _updateConfig(Str key, Str val) {
        // selectively update config (i.e. MY code!) 'cos we don't trust the user not to add random shite!
        if (configMapRef.containsKey(key))
            configMapRef[key] = val
    private Void processNavData(NavData navData) {
        if (actorPool.isStopped) return

        oldNavData  := (NavData?) navDataRef.val
        // we don't need a mutex 'cos we're only ever called from the single-threaded NavDataReader actor
        newOpts := oldNavData?._lazyOpts?.rw ?: NavOption:LazyNavOptData[:]
        newNav := NavData {
            it.flags        = navData.flags
            it.seqNum       = navData.seqNum
            it.visionFlag   = navData.visionFlag
            it._lazyOpts    = newOpts
        navDataRef.val = newNav
        // ---- perform standard feedback ----
        // hey! I'm still here!
        if (navData.flags.comWatchdogProblem)

        // ---- call event handlers ----
        // call handlers from a different thread so they don't block the NavDataReader
        eventThread.async |->| {
            callSafe(onNavData, [navData, this])
            if (navData.flags.emergencyLanding && oldNavData?.flags?.emergencyLanding != true && oldNavData?.flags?.flying == true)
                callSafe(onEmergency, [this])
            if (navData.flags.batteryTooLow && oldNavData?.flags?.batteryTooLow != true )
                callSafe(onBatteryLow, [this])
            demoData := navData.demoData
            if (demoData != null) {
                if (demoData.flightState != oldNavData?.demoData?.flightState)
                    callSafe(onStateChange, [demoData.flightState, this])
                if (oldNavData?.demoData?.batteryPercentage == null || demoData.batteryPercentage < oldNavData.demoData.batteryPercentage)
                    // sometimes the percentage jumps up a bit, then drains backdown: 46% -> 47% -> 46% so we get 2 x battery events @ 46%
                    callSafe(onBatteryDrain, [demoData.batteryPercentage, this])
    private Void processVidData(Buf payload, PaveHeader pave) {
        if (actorPool.isStopped) return

        // ---- call event handlers ----
        // call handlers from a different thread so they don't block the VidReader
        // should I use a different thread for vid data?
        eventThread.async |->| {
            callSafe(onVideoFrame, [payload, pave, this])           
    private Void onShutdown() {
        if (navData?.flags?.flying == true || (flightState != null && flightState != FlightState.landed && flightState != FlightState.def)) {
            switch (exitStrategy) {
                case ExitStrategy.nothing:
                    log.warn("Enforcing Exit Strategy --> Doing Nothing!")
                case ExitStrategy.hover:
                    log.warn("Enforcing Exit Strategy --> Hovering Drone")
                    log.warn("Enforcing Exit Strategy --> Landing Drone")

                case ExitStrategy.crashLand:
                    log.warn("Enforcing Exit Strategy --> Crash Landing Drone")
                    throw Err("WTF is a '${exitStrategy}' exit strategy ???")

    private |->|? doMove(Cmd cmd, Float speed, Duration? duration, Bool? block) {
        if (!isConnected) return null

        if (speed < -1f || speed > 1f)
            throw ArgErr("Speed must be between -1 and 1 : ${speed}")
        if (duration == null) {
            return null

        future := TimedLoop(this, duration, cmd).future
        if (block) {
            return null 
        return |->| { if (!future.state.isComplete) future.cancel }
    private Str encodeConfigParam(Obj? p) {
        if (p is Bool)  return ((Bool ) p).toStr.upper
        if (p is Int)   return ((Int  ) p).toStr
        if (p is Float) return ((Float) p).bits32.toStr
        if (p is Str)   return ((Str  ) p)
        throw ArgErr("Param should be a Bool, Int, Float, or Str - not ${p?.typeof} -> ${p}")

    private Void callSafe(Func? f, Obj[]? args) {
        try f?.callList(args)
        catch (Err err)
    override Str toStr() {
        (configMapRef["GENERAL:ardrone_name"] ?: "AR Drone").toStr + " v${droneVersion}"

** Pre-configured LED animation sequences.
enum class LedAnimation {
    ** Alternates all LEDs between red and green.
    ** Alternates all LEDs between green and off.
    ** Alternates all LEDs between red and off.
    ** Alternates all LEDs between orange (red and green at the same time) and off.
    ** Rotates the green and red LEDs around the drone.
    ** Flashes the front LEDs orange (red and green at the same time).
    ** Turns the front LEDs green and the rear LEDs red.
    ** Turns all LEDs red.
    ** Turns all LEDs green.
    ** Rotates the red LED around the drone.
    ** Turns all LEDs off.
    ** Flashes the front LED orange and the rear LED red - right side only.
    ** Flashes the front LED orange and the rear LED red - left side only.
    ** Flashes the front LEDs orange and the rear LEDs red - both sides.
    ** Turns the front left LED green and the others red.
    ** Turns the front right LED green and the others red.
    ** Turns the rear right LED green and the others red.
    ** Turns the rear left LED green and the others red.
    ** Turns the left LEDs green and the right LEDs red.
    ** Turns the left LEDs red and the right LEDs green.
    ** Alternates all LEDs between standard (front LEDs green and rear LEDs red) and off.
    ** A default frequency for the animation.
    const Float defaultFrequency
    private new make(Float defaultFrequency) {
        this.defaultFrequency = defaultFrequency

** Pre-configured flight paths.
enum class FlightAnimation {
    phiM30Deg(1sec), phi30Deg(1sec), thetaM30Deg(1sec), theta30Deg(1sec), theta20degYaw200Deg(1sec), theta20degYawM200Deg(1sec), turnaround(5sec), turnaroundGodown(5sec), yawShake(2sec), yawDance(5sec), phiDance(5sec), thetaDance(5sec), vzDance(5sec), wave(5sec), phiThetaMixed(5sec), doublePhiThetaMixed(5sec), flipForward(15ms), flipBackward(15ms), flipLeft(15ms), flipRight(15ms);

    ** How long the manoeuvre should take.
    const Duration defaultDuration
    private new make(Duration defaultDuration) {
        this.defaultDuration = defaultDuration

** Governs what the drone should do if the program exists whilst flying.
** Default is 'land'.
enum class ExitStrategy {
    ** Do nothing, let the drone continue doing whatever it was last told to do.
    ** Sends a 'stop()' command.
    ** Sends a 'land()' command.
    ** Cuts the drone's engines, forcing a crash landing.