const classafParrotSdk2::VideoStreamer


Utility class that attaches to the drone's onVideoFrame() event. Example usage:


Note some methods start and call out to an external FFmpeg process for video processing. Whilst this works for the limited functionality of these methods, this class is not meant to an all-encompassing FFmpeg wrapper.

For ease of use, just put ffmpeg in the same directory as your program.



This attachTo(Drone drone)

Attaches this instance to the given drone and starts stream processing.

This methods sets new onVideoFrame and onDisconnect hooks on the drone, but wraps any existing hooks. Meaning any hooks that were set previously, still get called.



Void detach()

Reverts the onVideoFrame and onDisconnect hooks to what they were before attachTo() was called. Closes files and halts stream processing.



const File? file

The output file that the video is saved to.

Only available if this VideoSteamer instance was initialised via toRawFile() or toMp4File().



|Buf? onPngImage

Event hook that's called when a new PNG image becomes available.

Only available if this VideoSteamer instance was initialised via toPngImages().

Throws NotImmutableErr if the function is not immutable. Note this hook is called from a different Actor / thread to the one that sets it.



Buf? pngImage()

Returns the latest PNG image from the video stream.

Only available if this VideoSteamer instance was initialised via toPngImages().



static VideoStreamer toMp4File(Uri outputFile, [Str:Obj]? options := null)

Saves the video stream as the given MP4 file. Example:


Note this method starts an external FFmpeg process and pipes the raw video frames to it. FFmpeg then wraps the video in an MP4 container and writes the file.

The input URI is given a unique numerical suffix to prevent file from being overwritten. Example, drone.mp4 may become drone-001F.mp4. See the file field to acquire the actual file created.

Available options:

ffmpegPath : (Uri) the location of the FFmpeg executable.
             Defaults to `ffmpeg.exe` on Windows, 'ffmpeg' otherwise.

ffmpegArgs : (Str[]) an array of arguments for FFmpeg.
             Defaults to "-f h264 -i - -codec:v copy".split

throttle   : (Duration) Time to sleep while waiting for FFmpeg console output. 
             Defaults to 200ms.

actorPool  : (ActorPool) the ActorPool to use for thread processing
             Defaults to a new instance.

If no ffmpegPath is given then FFmpeg is assumed to be in the current directory.



static VideoStreamer toPngImages([Str:Obj]? options := null)

Converts the video stream into a stream of PNG images. Example:

vs := VideoStreamer.toPngImages.attachTo(drone)
vs.onPngImage = |Bug pngBuf| {
    echo("Got new image of size ${pngBuf.size}")

The pngImage field always contains the latest PNG image data.

Use the onPngImage() hook to be notified of new images.

Note this method starts an external FFmpeg process and pipes the raw video frames to it. FFmpeg converts the video to PNG images and pipes it back to the VideoStreamer instance.

Available options:

ffmpegPath : (Uri) the location of the FFmpeg executable.
             Defaults to `ffmpeg.exe` on Windows, 'ffmpeg' otherwise.

ffmpegArgs : (Str[]) an array of arguments for FFmpeg.
             Defaults to "-f h264 -i - -f image2pipe -codec:v png -".split

throttle   : (Duration) Time to sleep while waiting for FFmpeg console output. 
             Defaults to 200ms.

actorPool  : (ActorPool) the ActorPool to use for thread processing
             Defaults to a new instance.

If no ffmpegPath is given then FFmpeg is assumed to be in the current directory.



static VideoStreamer toRawFile(Uri outputFile, [Str:Obj]? options := null)

Saves raw video frames to the given file. Example:


Note the video consists of raw H.264 codec frames and is not readily readable by anything (with the exception of VLC, try saving the file with a .h264 extension.)

To wrap the file in a more usable .mp4 container, try the following:

C:\> ffmpeg -f h264 -i droneStunts.h264 -codec:v copy droneStunts.mp4

The input URI is given a unique numerical suffix to prevent file from being overwritten. Example, drone.h264 may become drone-001F.h264. See the file field to acquire the actual file created.

Available options:

actorPool : (ActorPool) the ActorPool to use for thread processing
            Defaults to a new instance.