using gfx
using fwt

** (Widget) - 
** The child widget for 'CTabPane' and a replacement for FWT [Tab]`fwt::Tab`.
** See the [Fancy SWT Tabs]`` article for details.
** See [CTabItem]`` SWT Widget.
@Serializable { collection = true }
class CTab : Pane {
    ** Text of the tab's label. Defaults to "".
    native Str text

    ** Image to display on tab. Defaults to null.
    native Image? image

    new make() : super() { }
    @NoDoc  // required by Pane
    override Size prefSize(Hints hints := Hints.defVal) { Size(100, 100) }

    @NoDoc  // required by Pane
    override Void onLayout() {}