using afIoc

** (Service) - 
** Maintains a list of errors incurred by the application.
** Errors are displayed in the 'ErrorsPanel'.
** Errors are *not* persisted and are only held in memory. 
mixin Errors {
    ** The list of errors.
    abstract Error[] errors()
    ** Adds the given 'Err' to the 'ErrorsPanel' and raises an 'onError' event from 'RefluxEvent'.
    ** If 'skipEventRaising' is 'true' then the error is simply added to the list; 
    ** a 'RefluxEvent.onError()' event is *not* raised. 
    abstract Void add(Err err, Bool skipEventRaising := false)

internal class ErrorsProxy : Errors {

    @Inject { type=ErrorsImpl# }
    private |->Errors| errorsFunc
    new make(|This|in) { in(this) }

    override Error[] errors()                                   { errorsFunc().errors() }
    override Void add(Err err, Bool skipEventRaising := false)  { errorsFunc().add(err, skipEventRaising) }

internal class ErrorsImpl : Errors {
    @Inject private RefluxEvents    refluxEvents
            override Error[]        errors  := Error[,]
            private Int             nextId  := 1
            private Bool            inErrorHandler
    new make(|This|in) { in(this) }
    override Void add(Err err, Bool skipEventRaising := false) {
        error := errors.add(Error {
     = nextId++
            it.err  = err
            it.when =
        if (!skipEventRaising && !inErrorHandler) {
            inErrorHandler = true
            try     refluxEvents.onError(error)
            finally inErrorHandler = false