** Sass compilation results.
class SassResult {
private static const Log log := SassResult#.pod.log
** The input Scss file.
File? inputFile
** The compiled CSS.
Str css
** The compiled source map.
Str? sourceMap
** The options used to compile the Sass files.
SassOptions options
internal new make(|This|in) { in(this) }
** A really shitty version of Autoprefixer.
** `https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer`
Void autoprefix() {
css = css
.replace(";appearance: none", ";appearance: none;-moz-appearance: none;-webkit-appearance: none")
** Saves the CSS to the given file.
** If the given file is a directory then the resulting filename is taken from the input file with a '.css' extension.
** The parent directory is created if it does not exist.
Void saveCss(File cssFile) {
saveStr(cssFile, options.outputStyle.isMinified ? ".min.css" : ".css", css)
** Saves the source map to the given file.
** If the given file is a directory then the resulting filename is taken from the input file with a '.css.map' extension.
** The parent directory is created if it does not exist.
Void saveSourceMap(File sourceMapFile) {
saveStr(sourceMapFile, ".css.map", sourceMap)
private Void saveStr(File file, Str ext, Str content) {
name := file.isDir ? inputFile.basename + ext : file.name
outFile := file.plus(name.toUri)
// double space so the path lines up nicely with the Compiling log
log.info(" - Wrote `${outFile.normalize.osPath}`")