// History:
// Feb 06 13 tcolar Creation
using camFantomPlugin
using camembert
using gfx
using web
** AxonDocs
** Because Axon docs are inside pods, and we already have the fantom plugin indexing that
** This plugin just delegates to the fantom plugin
const class AxonDocs : PluginDocs
override const Image? icon := AxonSpace.funcIcon
** name of the plugin responsible
override Str pluginName() {this.typeof.pod.name}
** User friendly dsplay name
override Str dis() {"Axon"}
** Return a FileItem for the document matching the current source file (if known)
** Query wil be what's in the helPane serach box, ie "fwt::Combo#make" (not prefixed by plugin name)
override FileItem? findSrc(Str query) {null}
** Return html for a given path
** Note, the query will be prefixed with the plugin name for example /fantom/fwt::Button
override Str html(WebReq req, Str query, MatchKind matchKind)
// Delegate to Fantom pod
query = "axon-home"
doc := Sys.cur.plugin(FantomPlugin#.pod.name).docProvider
return doc.html(req, query, matchKind)