// History:
// 12 12 12 Thibaut Colar Creation
using camembert
//using haystack
using gfx
using fwt
** AxonItem
** Custom item for axon files /results items
class AxonItem : FileItem
static const Image funcIcon := Image(`fan://icons/x16/func.png`)
new makeFile(File file) : super.makeFile(file)
this.dis = file.name
this.icon = (file.ext == "axon") ?
: Theme.fileToIcon(file)
new makeProject(Project prj) : super.makeProject(prj.dir.toFile)
this.dis = prj.dis
this.icon = funcIcon
override Menu? popup(Frame frame)
if (file.ext != "axon") return super.popup(frame)
// Menu for Axon items
return Menu
it.text = "Copy name to clipboard"
it.onAction.add |e|
{ Desktop.clipboard.setText(file.basename) }
it.text = "Find in \"$file.name\""
it.onAction.add |e|
{ (Sys.cur.commands.find as FindCmd).find(file) }
dir := file.isDir ? file : file.parent
it.text = "New file in \"$dir.name\""
it.onAction.add |e|
{ (Sys.cur.commands.newFile as NewFileCmd).newFile(dir, "mewFunc.axon", frame) }
it.text = "Delete \"$file.name\""
it.onAction.add |e|
(Sys.cur.commands.delete as DeleteFileCmd).delFile(file, frame)
askServerDelete(frame, file, "Delete")
frame.goto(this) // refresh
it.text = "Rename/Move \"$file.name\""
it.onAction.add |e|
(Sys.cur.commands.move as MoveFileCmd).moveFile(file, frame)
askServerDelete(frame, file, "Rename")
frame.goto(this) // refresh
** If a file is deleted/renamed, ask if the chnage should be made on the server as well
** Note: for rename, we just delete under the old name and sync will recreate under new name
Void askServerDelete(Frame frame, File file, Str msg)
answer := Dialog.openQuestion(frame, "$msg $file.basename function on the server as well ?", null, Dialog.yesNo)
if(answer == Dialog.yes)
if(frame.curSpace is AxonSpace) // should be
(frame.curSpace as AxonSpace).remoteDelete(file.basename)