// Copyright (c) 2009, SkyFoundry LLC
// All Rights Reserved
// History:
// 22 Aug 09 Brian Frank Creation
using web
** Client manages a network connection to a haystack server.
class Client
** Haystack version of the server (set in make upon connection)
Str version := "1.0"
// Construction
** Open with URI of project such as "http://host/api/myProj/".
** Throw IOErr for network/connection error or `AuthErr` if
** credentials are not authenticated.
static Client open(Uri uri, Str username, Str password)
// normalize and check URI
uri = uri.plusSlash
if (uri.scheme != "http") throw ArgErr("Only http: URIs supported: $uri")
// authenticate with server
cookie := ApiAuth(uri, username, password).auth
// we're in
return make(uri, username, cookie)
private new make(Uri uri, Str username, Str cookie)
this.uri = uri
this.username = username
this.cookie = cookie
dict := about
version = dict["haystackVersion"] ?: "1.0"
catch(Err e)
/*IF about fails then it's probably 1.0 barring unexpected issue. Not an ideal version test.*/
// Identity
** URI of project path such as "http://host/api/myProj/".
** This URI always ends in a trailing slash.
const Uri uri
** Username used for authentication
const Str username
** Return uri.toStr
override Str toStr() { uri.toStr }
// Requests
** Call "about" operation to query server summary info.
Dict about()
call("about", Etc.makeEmptyGrid).first
** Call "read" operation to read a record by its identifier. If the
** record is not found then return null or raise UnknownRecException
** based on checked flag. Raise `CallErr` if server returns error grid.
** Also see [Rest API]`docSkySpark::Ops#read`.
Dict? readById(Ref id, Bool checked := true)
req := Etc.makeListGrid(null, "id", null, [id])
res := call("read", req)
if (!res.isEmpty && res.first.has("id")) return res.first
if (checked) throw UnknownRecErr(id.toCode)
return null
** Call "read" operation to read a list of records by their identifiers.
** Return a grid where each row of the grid maps to the respective
** id list (indexes line up). If checked is true and any one of the
** ids cannot be resolved then raise UnknownRecErr for first id not
** resolved. If checked is false, then each id not found has a row
** where every cell is null. Raise `CallErr` if server returns error
** grid. Also see [Rest API]`docSkySpark::Ops#read`.
Grid readByIds(Ref[] ids, Bool checked := true)
req := Etc.makeListGrid(null, "id", null, ids)
res := call("read", req)
if (checked) res.each |r, i| { if (r.missing("id")) throw UnknownRecErr(ids[i].toStr) }
return res
** Call "read" operation to read a record that matches the given filter.
** If there is more than one record, then it is undefined which one is
** returned. If there are no matches then return null or raise
** UnknownRecException based on checked flag. Raise `CallErr` if server
** returns error grid. Also see [Rest API]`docSkySpark::Ops#read`.
Dict? read(Str filter, Bool checked := true)
req := Etc.makeListsGrid(null, ["filter", "limit"], null, [[filter, Number.one]])
res := call("read", req)
if (!res.isEmpty) return res.first
if (checked) throw UnknownRecErr(filter)
return null
** Call "read" operation to read a record all recs which match the
** given filter. Raise `CallErr` if server returns error grid.
** Also see [Rest API]`docSkySpark::Ops#read`.
Grid readAll(Str filter)
req := Etc.makeListGrid(null, "filter", null, [filter])
return call("read", req)
** Evaluate an Axon expression and return results as Grid.
** Raise `CallErr` if server returns error grid.
** Also see [Rest API]`docSkySpark::Ops#eval`.
Grid eval(Str expr)
call("eval", Etc.makeListGrid(null, "expr", null, [expr]))
** Evaluate a list of expressions. The req parameter must be
** 'Str[]' of Axon expressions or a correctly formatted `Grid`
** with 'expr' column.
** A separate grid is returned for each row in the request. If checked
** is false, then this call does *not* automatically check for error
** grids - client code must individual check each grid for partial
** failures using `Grid.isErr`. If checked is true and one of the
** requests failed, then raise `CallErr` for first failure.
** Also see [Rest API]`docSkySpark::Ops#evalAll`.
Grid[] evalAll(Obj req, Bool checked := true)
// construct grid request
reqGrid := req as Grid
if (reqGrid == null)
if (req isnot List) throw ArgErr("Expected Grid or Str[]")
reqGrid = Etc.makeListGrid(null, "expr", null, req)
// make request and parse response
reqStr := ZincWriter.gridToStr(reqGrid, version)
resStr := doCall("evalAll", reqStr)
res := ZincReader(resStr.in).readGrids
// check for errors
if (checked) res.each |g| { if (g.isErr) throw CallErr(g) }
return res
** Commit a set of diffs. The req parameter must be a grid
** with a "commit" tag in the grid.meta. The rows are the
** items to commit. Return result as Grid or or raise `CallErr`
** if server returns error grid.
** Also see [Rest API]`docSkySpark::Ops#commit`.
** Examples:
** // add new record
** tags := ["site":Marker.val, "dis":"Example Site"])
** toCommit := Etc.makeDictGrid(["commit":"add"], tags)
** client.commit(toCommit)
** // update dis tag
** changes := ["id": orig->id, "mod":orig->mod, "dis": "New dis"]
** toCommit := Etc.makeDictGrid(["commit":"update"], changes)
** client.commit(toCommit)
Grid commit(Grid req)
if (req.meta.missing("commit")) throw ArgErr("Must specified grid.meta commit tag")
return call("commit", req)
** Call the given REST operation with its request grid and
** return the response grid. If req is null, then an empty
** grid used for request. If the checked flag is true and server
** returns an error grid, then raise `CallErr`, otherwise return
** the grid itself.
Grid call(Str op, Grid? req := null, Bool checked := true)
if (req == null) req = Etc.makeEmptyGrid
Str reqStr := ZincWriter.gridToStr(req, version)
Str resStr := doCall(op, reqStr)
Grid res := ZincReader(resStr.in).readGrid
if (checked && res.isErr) throw CallErr(res)
return res
private Str doCall(Str op, Str req)
c := WebClient(this.uri + op.toUri)
c.reqHeaders["Cookie"] = cookie
return c.resIn.readAllStr
// Main
// set ApiAuth.debug = true to dump authentication cycle
@NoDoc static Void main(Str[] args)
if (args.size < 3) { echo("usage: <uri> <user> <pass>"); return }
c := Client.open(args[0].toUri, args[1], args[2])
a := c.about
echo("\nPing successful: $c.uri\n")
Etc.dictNames(a).sort.each |n| { echo("$n: ".padr(18) + a[n]) }
// Fields
private const Str cookie
** ApiAuth
** ApiAuth is used to authenticate a user/password combination using
** the REST API authentication mechanism.
class ApiAuth
** Construct with a protected URI space such as "/api/{proj}"
new make(Uri uri, Str user, Str pass)
this.uri = uri
this.user = user
this.pass = pass
** Authenticate the username, password against the URI. If successful
** then return the session cookie. If authentication failed then throw
** AuthErr.
Str auth()
if (cookie != null) return cookie
return cookie
private Void readAuthUri()
// make request to URI with redirects disabled
c := WebClient(uri.plus(`about`))
c.followRedirects = false
send(c, false, null)
// 4xx or 5xx
if (c.resCode % 100 >= 4) throw IOErr("HTTP error code: $c.resCode")
// if client returned 200, then it is not running with security
if (c.resCode == 200) { this.cookie = "fanws:test"; return }
// get URI from required header
this.authUri = c.resHeaders["Folio-Auth-Api-Uri"] ?: throw AuthErr("Missing 'Folio-Auth-Api-Uri' header [$c.resCode]")
private Void readAuthInfo()
c := WebClient(uri + authUri.toUri + `?$user`)
response := send(c, true, null)
this.authInfo = parseAuthProps(response)
private Void computeDigest()
this.nonce = authInfo["nonce"] ?: throw AuthErr("Missing 'nonce' in auth info")
this.salt = authInfo["userSalt"] ?: throw AuthErr("Missing 'userSalt' in auth info")
// compute salted hmac
hmac := Buf().print("$user:$salt").hmac("SHA-1", pass.toBuf).toBase64
// now compute login digest using nonce
this.digest = "${hmac}:${nonce}".toBuf.toDigest("SHA-1").toBase64
private Void authenticate()
// post back to auth URI
c := WebClient(uri + authUri.toUri + `?$user`)
response := send(c, true, "nonce:$nonce\ndigest:$digest")
if (c.resCode != 200) throw AuthErr("Authentication failed")
info := parseAuthProps(response)
this.cookie = info["cookie"] ?: throw AuthErr("Missing 'cookie'")
private static Str:Str parseAuthProps(Str text)
map := Str:Str[:]
text.splitLines.each |line|
line = line.trim
if (line.isEmpty) return
colon := line.index(":")
map[line[0..<colon].trim] = line[colon+1..-1].trim
return map
private Str? send(WebClient c, Bool get, Str? post)
// if posting, translate to body buffer and get web client setup
Buf? body
if (post != null)
body = Buf().print(post).flip
c.reqMethod = "POST"
c.reqHeaders["Content-Type"] = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
c.reqHeaders["Content-Length"] = body.size.toStr
// debug dump request
if (debug)
method := post == null ? "GET" : "POST"
echo("$method $c.reqUri.relToAuth HTTP/1.1")
echo("Host: $c.reqUri.host")
c.reqHeaders.each |v, k| { echo("$k: $v") }
if (post != null) { echo(post); echo }
// make request
if (post == null)
// read response
response := get && c.resCode == 200 ? c.resIn.readAllStr : null
// debug dump response
if (debug)
echo("HTTP/1.1 $c.resCode $c.resPhrase")
c.resHeaders.each |v, k| { echo("$k: $v") }
if (response != null) { echo(response); echo }
return response
finally c.close
private static const Bool debug := false
private const Uri uri // constructor
private const Str user // constructor
private const Str pass // constructor
private Str? authUri // readAuthApiUri
private Str:Str authInfo := [:] // readAuthApiInfo
private Str? nonce // computeDigest
private Str? salt // computeDigest
private Str? digest // computeDigest
private Str? cookie // authenticate