// History:
//   12 6 12 - Thibaut Colar Creation

using fwt
//using haystack
using gfx
using netColarUI
using camembert

** HaytackGridDisplayer
** Display Grid results tabulated in a window
class HaystackGridDisplayer
  private Window win
  private Grid grid
  private Frame frame

  new make(Grid g, Frame frame)
    win = Window(frame)
      this.frame = frame
      this.grid = g
      size = Size(parent.size.w-50, parent.size.h-50)
      title = "Grid results"
      content  = InsetPane{
        content = EdgePane
          center = ScrollPane{
            content = Table
              model = HaystackGridModel(g)
              onAction.add |Event e| {showRow(e, g)}
          bottom = GridPane{
              it.text = "Save to file"
              it.onAction.add |e| {save}

  Void save()
    file := frame.curSpace.root + `grid.zinc`
    to := Dialog.openPromptStr(frame, "Save as:", "$file")
    if(to != null)
      zw := ZincWriter(to.toUri.toFile.out, "2").writeGrid(grid).flush.close

  Void open()

  Void showRow(Event event, Grid grid)
    gp:= GridPane{
      it. numCols = 2
    row := grid.get(event.index)
    grid.cols.each |col|
      item := row.get(
      // Using cutom area that allows cut and paste
      gp.add(RichTextArea(item != null ? item.toStr : "null"))
      size = Size(win.size.w-100, win.size.h-100)
      title = "Row details"
      content  = InsetPane{
        content = ScrollPane{
          content = gp

class HaystackGridModel : TableModel
  Grid grid

  new make(Grid g)
    this.grid = g

  override Int numCols() {grid.cols.size}

  override Int numRows() {grid.size}

  override Str header(Int col) {grid.colDisNames[col]}

  override Str text(Int col, Int row)
    val := grid[row][grid.colNames[col]]
    return val == null ? "null" : val.toStr