// Copyright (c) 2010, SkyFoundry LLC
// All Rights Reserved
// History:
//   21 Jun 10  Brian Frank  Creation

** TrioReader is used to read tag rec via the "Tag Record Input/Output"
** format.  See [docSkyspark]`docSkySpark::Trio`
class TrioReader

// Constructor

  ** Wrap input stream
  new make(InStream in)
  { = in

// Public

  ** Read all records from the stream and close it.
  Dict[] readAllRecs()
    acc := Dict[,]
    eachRec |rec| { acc.add(rec) }
    return acc

  ** Iterate through the entire stream reading records.
  ** The stream is guaranteed to be closed when done.
  Void eachRec(|Dict| f)
      while (true)
        rec := readRec
        if (rec == null) break
    finally in.close

  ** Read next record from the stream or null if at end of stream.
  Dict? readRec()
    tags := Str:Obj[:]

    r := readTag
    if (r == -1) return null
    while (r == 0) r = readTag
    recLineNum = lineNum
    tags[name] = val

    while (true)
      r = readTag
      if (r != 1) break
      if (tags[name] != null) throw err("Duplicate tag: $name")
      tags[name] = val
    if (tags.isEmpty) return null
    return Etc.makeDict(tags)

// Support

  ** Return -1=end of file, 0=end of rec, 1=read ok
  private Int readTag()
    // read until we get data line
    line := readLine
    while (true)
      // if end of file
      if (line == null) return -1

      // if end of record
      if (line.startsWith("-")) return 0

      // if empty line or comment line
      if (line.isEmpty || line.startsWith("//") || (line[0].isSpace && line.trim.isEmpty))
        line = readLine

      // found data line

    // split into name: val
    lineNum := this.lineNum
    colon := line.index(":") = line
    this.val  = Marker.val
    if (colon != null)
    { = line[0..<colon].trim
      valStr := line[colon+1..-1].trim
      if (valStr.isEmpty)
        if (name == "src") srcLineNum = lineNum+1
        this.val = readIndentedText
        if (name == "src") srcLineNum = lineNum
        this.val = parseScalar(valStr)

    if (!Etc.isTagName(name)) throw err("Invalid name: $name", lineNum)
    return 1

  private Obj parseScalar(Str s)
    if (s[0].isDigit || s[0] == '-')
      // old RecId syntax
      if (s.size == 17 && s[8] == '-') return Ref.fromRecIdStr(s)

      // date
      if (s.size == 10 && s[4] == '-') return Date.fromStr(s, false) ?: s

      // date time
      if (s.size > 20 && s[4] == '-') return DateTime.fromStr(s, false) ?: s

      // time (allow a bit of fudge)
      if (s.size > 3 && (s[1] == ':' || s[2] == ':'))
        if (s[1] == ':') s = "0$s"
        if (s.size == 5) s = "$s:00"
        return Time.fromStr(s, false) ?: s

      // try as number
      if (!s.contains(" ")) return ZincReader(
    else if (s[0] == '"' || s[0] == '`')
      if (s[-1] != s[0]) throw err("Invalid quoted literal: $s")
    else if (s[0] == '@')
      return Ref(s[1..-1])
      if (s == "true")  return true
      if (s == "false") return false
      if (s == "NaN")   return Number.nan
      if (s == "INF")   return Number.posInf
    return s

  private Str readIndentedText()
    minIndent := Int.maxVal
    lines := Str[,]
    while (true)
      line := readLine
      if (line == null) break
      if (line.size > 1 && !line[0].isSpace) { pushback = line; break }
      for (i:=0; i<line.size; ++i)
        if (!line[i].isSpace) { if (i < minIndent) minIndent = i; break }

    s := StrBuf()
    lines.each |line, i|
      strip := (line.size <= minIndent) ? "" : line[minIndent..-1]
      s.join(strip, "\n")
    return s.toStr

  private Str? readLine()
    if (pushback != null) { s := pushback; pushback = null; return s }
    return in.readLine

  private ParseErr err(Str msg, Int lineNum := this.lineNum)
    ParseErr(msg + " [Line $lineNum]")

// Fields

  private InStream in
  private Str? pushback
  private Int recLineNum
  private Int lineNum := 0     // cur current tag
  private Int srcLineNum := 0  // for src tag
  private Str? name
  private Obj? val