// Copyright (c) 2012, Brian Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   24 Apr 12  Brian Frank  Creation

using compilerDoc
using concurrent

** Group is a dir with a BuilGroup type build file
** And might contain multiple child pods (and maybe subgroups)
const class PodGroup
  new make(File dir, PodGroup? parent)
    this.srcDir = dir =
    this.parent = parent
  const Str name
  const File srcDir
  const PodGroup? parent

const class PodInfo
  new make(Str name, File? podFile, TypeInfo[] types,
      File? srcDir, File[] srcFiles, PodGroup? group)
  {       = name
    this.podFile    = podFile
    this.podFileMod = podFile?.modified
    this.types      = types
    this.srcDir     = srcDir
    this.srcFiles   = srcFiles
    this.groupRef.val= group
    b := false
    types.each |t|
      t.podRef.val = this
      if(t.isAxonLib) b = true
    this.isAxonPod = b

  const Str name
  override Str toStr() { name }
  const File? podFile
  const DateTime? podFileMod
  const TypeInfo[] types
  const File? srcDir
  const File[] srcFiles
  const Bool isAxonPod // contains axon lib
  PodGroup? group() { groupRef.val }
  internal const AtomicRef groupRef := AtomicRef()

const class TypeInfo
  new make(Str name, Str file, Int line, Bool isAxonLib)
  {  = name
    this.file  = file
    this.line  = line
    this.isAxonLib = isAxonLib

  const Str name
  const Str file
  const Int line   // zero based
  const Bool isAxonLib

  File? toFile() { pod.srcFiles.find |f| { == file } }

  Str qname() { "$$name" }

  PodInfo pod() { podRef.val }
  internal const AtomicRef podRef := AtomicRef()

  SlotInfo? slot(Str name) { slots.find |s| { == name } }

  SlotInfo[] slots() { slotsRef.val }
  internal const AtomicRef slotsRef := AtomicRef()

  override Int compare(Obj that) { name <=> ((TypeInfo)that).name }

  override Str toStr() { name }

const abstract class SlotInfo
  new make(TypeInfo type, Str name, Int line)
    this.type = type = name
    this.line = line

  Str qname() { "${type.qname}.$name" }

  const TypeInfo type
  const Str name
  const Int line    // zero based

  Bool isAxonFunc() {return type.isAxonLib}

  override Int compare(Obj that) { name <=> ((SlotInfo)that).name }
  override Str toStr() { name }

const class FieldInfo : SlotInfo
  new make(TypeInfo type, Str name, Int line) : super(type, name, line) {}

const class MethodInfo : SlotInfo
  new make(TypeInfo type, Str name, Int line) : super(type, name, line) {}