// History:
//  Jan 30 13 tcolar Creation

using camembert
using gfx
using xml
using netColarUtils

** MavenPlugin
const class MavenPlugin : BasicPlugin
  static const Str _name := "Maven"
  const PluginCommands cmds

  override const Image icon := Image(`fan://camMavenPlugin/res/maven.png`)
  override const Str name := _name
  override PluginCommands? commands() {cmds}
  override Type? envType() {MavenEnv#}

  override Bool isProject(File dir)
    if(isCustomPrj(dir, "Maven")) return true
    return dir.isDir && (dir + `pom.xml`).exists

  new make()
    cmds = MavenCommands(this)

  ** Read project name from pom
  override Str prjName(File prjDir)
    pom := prjDir + `pom.xml`
    Str? name
      root := XParser(
      artifact := root.elem("artifactId").text
        // If a property, try to see if it's declared locally
        artifact = root.elem("properties").elem(artifact.toStr[2 .. -2]).text
      name = artifact.toStr
    catch(Err e){}
    return name ?: // failsafe

internal const class MavenCommands : PluginCommands
  override const Cmd build
  override const Cmd run
  override const Cmd runSingle
  override const Cmd test
  override const Cmd testSingle
  override const Cmd buildAndRun
  override const Cmd buildAndRunSingle

  new make(MavenPlugin plugin)
    mvn := "{{env_home}}/bin/mvn"
    build       = BasicPluginCmd(plugin, "Build", [mvn, "compile"],
                                 ExecCmdInteractive.onetime, mavenFinder)
    run         = BasicPluginCmd(plugin, "Run", [mvn, "exec:exec"],
                                 ExecCmdInteractive.onetime, mavenFinder)
    runSingle   = BasicPluginCmd(plugin, "RunSingle", [mvn, "exec:exec"],
                                 ExecCmdInteractive.always, mavenFinder)
    test        = BasicPluginCmd(plugin, "Test", [mvn, "test"],
                                 ExecCmdInteractive.onetime, mavenFinder)
    testSingle  = BasicPluginCmd(plugin, "TestSingle", [mvn, "test"],
                                 ExecCmdInteractive.always, mavenFinder)
    buildAndRun = BasicBuildAndRunCmd(plugin)
    buildAndRunSingle = BasicBuildAndRunSingleCmd(plugin)
    // TODO: look in projReg for a parent project as defined in the xml and build that ?
    //override const Cmd? buildGroup:= MavenCmd("BuildGroup", "compile", false)

  //maven :  [ERROR] /home/tcolar/DEV/fantom_dev/perso/algo/src/test/java/[38,14] error: '.class' expected
  static const |Str -> Item?| mavenFinder := |Str str -> Item?|
    if(str.size < 4) return null
    str = str.trim
    if( ! str.startsWith("[ERROR]") ) return null
    p1 := str.index(":[", 7); if (p1 == null) return null
    c  := str.index(",", p1 + 1); if (c == null) return null
    p2 := str.index("]", p1); if (p2 == null) return null
    if(p1 > c || c > p2) return null
    file := File.os(str[7..<p1].trim)
    if(! file.exists) return null
    line := str[p1+2..<c].toInt(10, false) ?: 1
    col  := str[c+1..<p2].toInt(10, false) ?: 1
    text := + str[p1 .. -1]
    return FileItem.makeFile(file).setDis(text).setLoc(
          ItemLoc{it.line = line-1; it.col  = col-1}).setIcon(

const class MavenEnv : BasicEnv
  @Setting{help = ["Maven Home"]}
  const Uri mavenHome := `/usr/share/maven/`

  override Uri? envHome() {return mavenHome}

  new make(|This|? f := null) : super(f)
    if (f != null) f(this)