// History:
// Feb 05 13 tcolar Creation
using gfx
using util
using camembert
using web
using concurrent
** NodeDocProvider
** Provide standard Node docs (bundled)
const class NodeDocs : PluginDocs
const AtomicRef _docs := AtomicRef()
new make()
// Aynchronously building the doc index
Actor(ActorPool(), |Obj? obj -> Obj?|
Str:Obj? theDocs := JsonInStream(((File)`fan://camNodePlugin/res/node.json`.get).in).readJson
// TODO: persists the scanned version instead of doing this at each start
_docs.val = scan(theDocs)
catch(Err e)
Sys.log.err("Failed loading Node.js docs !", e)
return null
override const Image? icon := Image(`fan://camNodePlugin/res/node.png`, false)
** name of the plugin responsible
override Str pluginName() {this.typeof.pod.name}
** User friendly dsplay name
override Str dis() {"Node.js"}
** Return a FileItem for the document matching the current source file (if known)
** Query wil be what's in the helPane serach box, ie "fwt::Combo#make" (not prefixed by plugin name)
override FileItem? findSrc(Str query) {null}
** Return html for a given path
** Note, the query will be prefixed with the plugin name for example /fantom/fwt::Button
** TODO: actually use matchkind
override Str html(WebReq req, Str query, MatchKind matchKind)
docs := ([Uri:NodeDoc]?) _docs.val
if(docs == null)
return "Docs not ready yet."
return show(docs, query)
Str show(Uri:NodeDoc docs, Str query)
uri := query.lower.trim.toUri
doc := docs[uri]
html := StrBuf()
// index
html.add("<h2>Node.js Documentation</h2>")
children(docs, uri).sort.each
child := docs[it]
html.add(link(it, child.dis)+"<br/>")
return html.toStr
if(doc == null)
html.add("<h2>Search results:</h2>")
html.add(link(it, it.toStr)+"<br/>")
return html.toStr
NodeDoc[] kids := [,]
NodeDoc[] classes := [,]
children(docs, uri).sort.each
kid := docs[it]
if(kid.type == "class")
kids.each |child|
html.add("<a href='#$child.name'>$child.name</a> ")
if( ! classes.isEmpty)
html.add("<div class='bg1'>Classes:</div>")
classes.each |child|
html.add(link(`$uri/$child.name`, child.name)+"<br/>")
kids.each |child|
html.add("<a name='$child.name'><div class='bg1'>$child.dis</div>")
return html.toStr
Uri:NodeDoc scan(Obj? obj, Str path := "")
Uri:NodeDoc docs := [:]
if(obj == null) return docs
if(obj is Map)
map := (obj as Str:Obj?)
nm := map["name"]?.toStr
if(nm != null)
doc := NodeDoc(map)
docs["$path$doc.name".lower.toUri] = doc
path += "$nm/"
docs.setAll(scan(it, path))
else if(obj is List)
docs.setAll(scan(it, path))
return docs.toImmutable
Str notFound() {return "Not found !"}
Str link(Uri to, Str nm)
return "<a href='/camNodePlugin/$to/'>$nm</a>"
static Str:Obj? asMap(Obj? data)
return (Str:Obj?) data
static [Str:Obj?][]? asList(Obj? data)
return ([Str:Obj?][]?) data
static Uri[] children(Uri:NodeDoc docs, Uri item)
sw := item.path.isEmpty ? "" : item.pathStr+"/"
return docs.keys.findAll {it.path.size == item.path.size + 1 && it.pathStr.startsWith(sw)}
** Node documentation "tree"
const class NodeDoc
const Str name := ""
const Str dis := ""
const Str desc := ""
const Str type := ""
new make(Str:Obj? map)
name = map["name"]?.toStr ?: ""
desc = map["desc"]?.toStr ?: ""
dis = map["textRaw"]?.toStr ?: ""
type = map["type"]?.toStr ?: ""