// Copyright (c) 2012, Brian Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   24 Apr 12  Brian Frank  Creation

using concurrent

** FileUtil
const class FileUtil
  static Str pathDis(File file)
    names := file.path.dup
    if (names.first.endsWith(":")) names.removeAt(0)
    return "/" + names.join("/")

  static Bool contains(File dir, File? x)
    if (x == null) return false
    return x.normalize.uri.toStr.startsWith(dir.normalize.uri.toStr)

  static Uri pathIn(File dir, File x)
    if(dir.uri.toStr.size >= x.uri.toStr.size)
      return ``
    return x.uri.toStr[dir.uri.toStr.size..-1].toUri

  ** Replace found items with new text
  static Void replaceAll(Item[] items, Str oldText, Str newText, Str delimiter)
    // file currently worked on
    File? curFile
    //  text lines of file currently worked on
    Str[]? lines
    // Index of current line we are working on
    Int curLine
    // current offset in line (because item spans are "off" after mmultiple replaces in same line)
    offset := 0
    step := newText.size - oldText.size

    items.each |a|
      if(! (a is FileItem)) return
      item := a as FileItem
      if(item.file != curFile)
        if(curFile != null)
          saveLines(curFile, lines, delimiter)
        curFile = item.file
          lines = curFile.readAllLines
        catch(Err e) {e.trace; lines=null}
        offset = 0
      if(item.loc.span.start.line != item.loc.span.end.line)
        throw Err("Replace only supported within a single line.")
      line := item.loc.span.start.line
      if(line != curLine)
        offset = 0
        curLine = line
      if(lines != null)
        l := lines[line]
        start :=  item.loc.span.start.col + offset
        end := item.loc.span.end.col + offset
        lines[line] = l[0 ..< start] + newText + l[end .. -1]
        offset += step
    // last file
      saveLines(curFile, lines, delimiter)

  static internal Void saveLines(File file, Str[] lines, Str delimiter)
    lastLine := lines.size-1
    out := file.out
      lines.each |Str line, Int i|
        if (i != lines.size-1 || line.isEmpty)
    catch(Err e)